Hierarchy of data types

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This vignette follows terminology outlined by the vctrs package. For further information, see help("faq-compatibility-types", package = "vctrs").

There are three numeric types in base R: logical, integer and double. They form a natural hierarchy from the simplest (logical) to the richest (double), with richer types able to accommodate simpler types without losing information.

The bignum package provides two additional numeric types: biginteger and bigfloat. These are type-compatible with the existing numeric types because they extend the set of possible values. However, the hierarchy becomes more complex because lossy casts are now possible.

knitr::include_graphics("type-hierarchy.png", dpi = 300)

Type conversion and lossy casts

As discussed above, casting values from one type to another can lose information.

We see an example in base R, when we cast a non-integer or large double to an integer:

# non-integer double

# large double

For illustrative purposes, we now consider how lossy casts can affect bignum conversions:


# double -> biginteger

# biginteger -> double

# bigfloat -> double
as.double(bigfloat(1) / 3)

# bigfloat -> biginteger

# biginteger -> bigfloat
as_bigfloat(biginteger(10)^51L + 1L)

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bignum documentation built on May 4, 2023, 9:10 a.m.