
context ("download data")

require (testthat)

testthat::skip_on_cran ()

test_that ('no city', {
               expect_error (dl_bikedata (), 'city must be specified')

# download can't really be tested, so this just tests that it does **NOT**
# download if all files already exist

# code copied from get_aws_bike_files 
get_fake_trip_files <- function (bucket)
    aws_url <- sprintf ("https://%s.s3.amazonaws.com", bucket)

    doc <- httr::content (httr::GET (aws_url), encoding = 'UTF-8')
    nodes <- xml2::xml_children (doc)
    # NOTE: xml2::xml_find_all (doc, ".//Key") should work here but doesn't, so
    # this manually does what that would do
    files <- lapply (nodes, function (i)
                     if (grepl ('zip|csv', i))
                         strsplit (strsplit (as.character (i),
                                             "<Key>") [[1]] [2],
                                   "</Key>") [[1]] [1] )
    files <- file.path (tempdir (), unlist (files))
    if (bucket == 'tripdata')
        files <- files [2:length (files)]
    for (f in files)
        write ('a', file = f)

    return (files)

dates <- c (16, 201604:201608, "2016/04:2016/08",
            "201604:201608", "16 apr:aug", "2016-04:2016-08")

test_that ('dl_bikedata nyc', {
               tryCatch (files <- get_fake_trip_files (bucket = 'tripdata'),
                         warning = function (w) NULL,
                         error = function (e) NULL)
               if (!is.null (files))
                   msg <- "All data files already exist"
                   # dl_bikedata must make a http request, which may fail. The
                   # following code returns expected message in fail cases.
                   expect_message (tryCatch (dl_bikedata (city = 'nyc',
                                                data_dir = tempdir ()),
                        warning = function (w) { message (msg); NULL },
                        error = function (e) { message (msg); NULL }),
                   for (d in dates)
                       expect_message (tryCatch (dl_bikedata (city = 'nyc',
                                                              data_dir = tempdir (),
                                                              dates = d),
                        warning = function (w) { message (msg); NULL },
                        error = function (e) { message (msg); NULL }),
               chk <- tryCatch (file.remove (files),
                                warning = function (w) NULL,
                                error = function (e) NULL)

test_that ('dl_bikedata dc', {
               tryCatch (files <- get_fake_trip_files (bucket = 'capitalbikeshare-data'),
                         warning = function (w) NULL,
                         error = function (e) NULL)
               if (!is.null (files))
                   msg <- "All data files already exist"
                   expect_message (tryCatch (dl_bikedata (city = 'dc',
                                                data_dir = tempdir ()),
                        warning = function (w) { message (msg); NULL },
                        error = function (e) { message (msg); NULL }),
                   for (d in dates)
                       expect_message (tryCatch (dl_bikedata (city = 'dc',
                                                              data_dir = tempdir (),
                                                              dates = d),
                        warning = function (w) { message (msg); NULL },
                        error = function (e) { message (msg); NULL }),
               chk <- tryCatch (file.remove (files),
                                warning = function (w) NULL,
                                error = function (e) NULL)

test_that ('dl_bikedata boston', {
               tryCatch (files <- get_fake_trip_files (bucket = 'hubway-data'),
                         warning = function (w) NULL,
                         error = function (e) NULL)
               if (!is.null (files))
                   msg <- "All data files already exist"
                   expect_message (tryCatch (dl_bikedata (city = 'boston',
                                                data_dir = tempdir ()),
                        warning = function (w) { message (msg); NULL },
                        error = function (e) { message (msg); NULL }),
                   for (d in dates)
                       expect_message (tryCatch (dl_bikedata (city = 'boston',
                                                              data_dir = tempdir (),
                                                              dates = d),
                        warning = function (w) { message (msg); NULL },
                        error = function (e) { message (msg); NULL }),
               chk <- tryCatch (file.remove (files),
                                warning = function (w) NULL,
                                error = function (e) NULL)

test_that ('dl_bikedata la', {
               # These files change names, so this test first GETs the names of
               # current files
               dl_files <- get_bike_files (city = "la")
               #dates <- "2016"
               #indx <- grep (dates, basename (dl_files))
               indx <- seq (dl_files)
               files <- file.path (tempdir (), basename (dl_files [indx]))
               for (f in files) write ('a', file = f)
               msg <- "All data files already exist"
               expect_message (tryCatch (dl_bikedata (city = 'la',
                                                      data_dir = tempdir ()),
                                         warning = function (w) { message (msg); NULL },
                                         error = function (e) { message (msg); NULL }),
               chk <- tryCatch (file.remove (files),
                                warning = function (w) NULL,
                                error = function (e) NULL)

test_that ('dl_bikedata chicago', {
               files <- file.path (tempdir (), basename (get_bike_files ("ch")))

               for (f in files) write ('a', file = f)
               msg <- "All data files already exist"
               expect_message (tryCatch (dl_bikedata (city = 'chicago',
                                                      data_dir = tempdir ()),
                                         warning = function (w) { message (msg); NULL },
                                         error = function (e) { message (msg); NULL }),
               for (d in dates)
                   expect_message (tryCatch (dl_bikedata (city = 'chicago',
                                                          data_dir = tempdir (),
                                                          dates = d),
                             warning = function (w) { message (msg); NULL },
                             error = function (e) { message (msg); NULL }),
               chk <- tryCatch (file.remove (files),
                                warning = function (w) NULL,
                                error = function (e) NULL)

# test_all used to switch off tests on CRAN
test_all <- (identical (Sys.getenv ("MPADGE_LOCAL"), "true") |
             identical (Sys.getenv ("TRAVIS"), "true") |
             identical (Sys.getenv ("APPVEYOR"), "True"))

# extra tests for other cities
test_that ('download london data (for real!)', {
               if (test_all)
                   expect_message (f <- dl_bikedata (city = "lo", dates = 201501))
                   expect_equal (length (f), 2)

Try the bikedata package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

bikedata documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 5:09 p.m.