Linked tooltip

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
data("economics", package = "ggplot2")

With {billboarder} you can link tooltip between charts, i.e. when you hover over a graph, the tooltip will be displayed on all graphs linked with the same id.

Here a function to draw a line chart, the important part is bb_tooltip(linked = list(name = "my-tooltip")) at the end, it's where we declare an ID to link charts. All charts with the name "my-tooltip" will be linked.

draw_line <- function(var, title, percent = TRUE) {
  billboarder(height = "250px") %>%
    bb_linechart(data = economics[, c("date", var)]) %>% 
    bb_x_axis(tick = list(format = "%Y-%m", fit = FALSE)) %>%
      min = min(pretty(economics[[var]])), 
      max = max(pretty(economics[[var]])),
      padding = list(bottom = 0),
      tick = list(values = pretty(economics[[var]]), format = if (percent) suffix("%"))
    ) %>% 
    bb_legend(show = FALSE) %>% 
    bb_y_grid(show = TRUE) %>% 
    bb_labs(title = title) %>% 
    bb_tooltip(linked = list(name = "my-tooltip")) # <--- Id for linking tooltip

We can draw several line charts that will be linked to each other :

draw_line("psavert", "Personal savings rate", TRUE)
draw_line("uempmed", "Number of unemployed", TRUE)
draw_line("pce", "Personal consumption expenditures", FALSE)
draw_line("pop", "Total population", FALSE)
draw_line("psavert", "Personal savings rate", TRUE)
draw_line("uempmed", "Number of unemployed", TRUE)
draw_line("pce", "Personal consumption expenditures", FALSE)
draw_line("pop", "Total population", FALSE)

It also works in Shiny applications :


ui <- fluidPage(
      width = 10, offset = 1,
      tags$h2("Linked tooltip in {billboarder}"),
        column(width = 6, billboarderOutput("g1")),
        column(width = 6, billboarderOutput("g2")),
        column(width = 6, billboarderOutput("g3")),
        column(width = 6, billboarderOutput("g4"))

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$g1 <- renderBillboarder(
    draw_line("psavert", "Personal savings rate", TRUE)
  output$g2 <- renderBillboarder(
    draw_line("uempmed", "Number of unemployed", TRUE)
  output$g3 <- renderBillboarder(
    draw_line("pce", "Personal consumption expenditures", FALSE)
  output$g4 <- renderBillboarder(
    draw_line("pop", "Total population", FALSE)

shinyApp(ui, server)

Try the billboarder package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

billboarder documentation built on Sept. 29, 2023, 5:07 p.m.