Man pages for bingat
Binary Graph Analysis Tools

bingat-internalInternal Functions
bingat-packageBinary Graph Analysis Tools
braingraphsBrain Graph Data Set
calcDistanceCalculate the Distance Between Vectors
estGStarEstimate G-Star
estLogLikEstimate the Log Likelihood Value
estMLEEstimate the MLE Parameters
estTauEstimate Tau
genAlgFind Edges Separating Two Groups using Genetic Algorithm (GA)
genAlgConsensusFind Edges Separating Two Groups using Multiple Genetic...
getGibbsMixtureGroup Splitter
getLoglikeMixtureGroup Finder
getNumEdgesGet the Number of Edges in a Graph
getNumNodesGet the Number of Nodes in a Graph
glrtPvalueGLRT Regression Results
graphNetworkPlotGraph Network Plots
lrtPvalueLikelihood Ratio Test
pairedPvalueP-Value for Paired Data Results
plotHeatmapPlot Heat Map
plotMDSPlot MDS
rGibbsGenerate Random Data
testGoFTest the Goodness of Fit
bingat documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:11 p.m.