Man pages for bioC.logs
BioConductor Package Downloads Stats

bioC_downloadsfunction to download logs from bioConductor stats
checkDatefunction to check date format for "MM-YYYY"
checkDatesfunction to check dates, ie that t0<t1 and t0!=t1
checkValidDatesfunction to check dates, ie that t0<t1 and t0 and t1 are in...
daysInMonthfunction that returns the number of dates in a given date that returns the number of dates in a given...
lst.yearfunction that returns the range dates for the last year
origin.of.timesfunction that provides a "beginning of times" default date
todayfunction that returns the current date
Xyear.from.nowfunction that returns the date from one year ago
year.from.nowfunction that returns the date from one year ago that returns the range dates for the period...
bioC.logs documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 1:27 a.m.