apply_mistnet: Apply MistNet segmentation to a polar volume

View source: R/apply_mistnet.R

apply_mistnetR Documentation

Apply MistNet segmentation to a polar volume


Applies the MistNet segmentation model to a polar volume file on disk and loads the resultant segmentation as a polar volume (pvol) object.


  verbose = FALSE,
  mount = dirname(file),
  load = TRUE,
  mistnet_elevations = c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5),



Character. Path to a polar volume (pvol) file.


Character. (optional) File name. When provided, writes a polar volume (pvol) file to disk that includes the Mistnet segmentation results.


Logical. When TRUE, vol2bird stdout is piped to the R console.


Character. Directory path of the mount point for the Docker container (deprecated).


Logical. When TRUE, returns a pvol object.


Numeric vector of length 5. Elevation angles to feed to the MistNet segmentation model, which expects exactly 5 elevation scans at 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 degrees. Specifying different elevation angles may compromise segmentation results.


Character. Path to local vol2bird installation (e.g. your/vol2bird_install_directory/vol2bird/bin/vol2bird) to use instead of the Docker container.


Character. Path to local MistNet segmentation model in PyTorch format (e.g. ⁠/your/path/⁠) to use instead of the Docker container.


MistNet (Lin et al. 2019) is a deep convolutional neural network that has been trained using labels derived from S-band dual-polarization data across the US NEXRAD network. Its purpose is to screen out areas of precipitation in weather radar data, primarily legacy data for which dual-polarization data are not available. Because the network has been trained on S-band data, it may not perform as well on C-band.

MistNet requires three single-polarization parameters as input: reflectivity (DBZH), radial velocity (VRADH), and spectrum width (WRADH), at 5 specific elevation angles (0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 degrees). Based on these data it can estimate a segmentation mask that identifies pixels with weather that should be removed when interested in biological data only.

MistNet will calculate three class probabilities (from 0 to 1, with 1 corresponding to a 100% probability) as additional scan parameters to the polar volume:

  • BACKGROUND: Class probability that no signal was detected above the noise level of the radar.

  • WEATHER: Class probability that weather was detected.

  • BIOLOGY: Class probability that biological scatterers were detected.

MistNet will calculate three class probabilities (from 0 to 1, with 1 corresponding to a 100% probability) as additional scan parameters to the polar volume:

  • BACKGROUND: Class probability that no signal was detected above the noise level of the radar

  • WEATHER: Class probability that weather was detected

  • BIOLOGY: Class probability that biological scatterers were detected

These class probabilities are only available for the 5 input elevations used as input for the MistNet model. Based on all the class probabilities a final weather segmentation map is calculated, stored as scan parameter CELL, which is available for all elevation scans.

  • CELL: Final weather segmentation, with values > 1 indicating pixels classified as weather and values equal to 1 indicating pixels that are located within 5 km distance of a weather pixels.

A pixel is classified as weather if the class probability WEATHER > 0.45 or when the average class probability for rain across all five MistNet elevation scans at that spatial location > 0.45.

MistNet may run more slowly on Windows than on Linux or Mac OS X.


When load is TRUE, a polar volume (pvol) object with the Mistnet segmentation results. When load is FALSE, TRUE on success.


Please cite this publication when using MistNet:

  • Lin T-Y, Winner K, Bernstein G, Mittal A, Dokter AM, Horton KG, Nilsson C, Van Doren BM, Farnsworth A, La Sorte FA, Maji S, Sheldon D (2019) MistNet: Measuring historical bird migration in the US using archived weather radar data and convolutional neural networks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (11), pp. 1908-22. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/2041-210X.13280")}

See Also

  • check_docker()

  • calculate_vp()


# make sure you have installed the MistNet libraries and model, using:
if (requireNamespace("vol2birdR", quietly = TRUE)){
# start a temporary file to store polar volume
# Download a NEXRAD file and save as KBGM_example
  method="libcurl", mode="wb", tempfile

# Calculate MistNet segmentation
mistnet_pvol <- apply_mistnet(tempfile)

# Print summary info for the segmented elevation scan at the 0.5 degree,
# verify new parameters BIOLOGY, WEATHER, BACKGROUND and CELL have been added
scan <- get_scan(mistnet_pvol, 0.5)

# Project the scan as a ppi
ppi <- project_as_ppi(scan, range_max = 100000)

# Plot the reflectivity parameter
plot(ppi, param = "DBZH")

# Plot the MistNet class probability [0-1] for weather
plot(ppi, param = "WEATHER")

# Plot the MistNet class probability [0-1] for biology
plot(ppi, param = "BIOLOGY")

# Plot the final segmentation result, with values >1 indicating
# areas classified as weather, and value 1 pixels that fall within an
# additional 5 km fringe around weather areas
plot(ppi, param = "CELL")

# Remove file

bioRad documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:13 p.m.