Man pages for biogeo
Point Data Quality Assessment and Coordinate Conversion

addmainfieldsAdds required fields to a dataframe containing coordinates...
alternativesDetermine where an incorrect point record should be placed by...
alternatives2Determine where an incorrect point record should be placed by...
alternativesenvDetermine where an incorrect point record should be placed by...
biogeo-packagePoint data quality assessment and coordinate conversion
checkdatastrChecks data structure
coord2numericConverts coordinates that are factors into numeric values
datSpecies collection records dataset
datmA dataset for a marine species
dd2dmslatConvert decimal degree coordinates for latitude into degrees,...
dd2dmslongConvert decimal degree coordinates for longitude into...
demDigital elevation model 10 minute spatial resolution
dms2ddConverts coordinates in degrees, minutes, seconds into...
dmsabsSeparates a coordinate string into degrees, minutes and...
dmsparseParse coordinate strings into separate degree, minute and...
dmsparsefmtParse coordinate string using a format string
duplicatesexcludeExclude duplicate point records per species per grid cell
edatSpecies collection records dataset and environmental...
elevcheckElevation check
env2stackRead environmental variable rasters
errorcheckIdentifies errors in a dataset of point records
fieldsmissingDetermines whether any of the required fields are missing...
finddecimalsFind coordinates that are in decimal degrees
fmtcheckCoordinate string format check
gbifdatA dataset of records from GBIF
geo2envidInteractive plot to explore points in geographical and...
geo2envpcaInteractive plot to explore points in geographical and...
getextentGet the extent of an object
getformatGet formats of coordinates
getletterFind letters in coordinates
keepmainfieldsKeep main fields in a dataframe.
missingcoordsFinds indices of records in a dataset where the coordinates...
missingvalsexcludeExcludes records with missing values for points
modifiedIdentify records that were modified between two dates
modifiedtodayIdentify records that were modified today
nearestcellAssigns points that fall into the sea to the centre of the...
outliersDetects outliers using values extracted from an environmental...
parsecoordsParse coordinates into separate fields
placesA dataset of localities
plotsetupProduces devices for plotting
points2shapeSave data to a points shape file
pointsworldPlots point records on a world map using their latitude and...
precisioncheckCheck the precision of the coordinates
precisionenvCheck precision of records
quickcleanAutomated data cleaning
quickrichPerform error checks and produce richness map
renamefieldsRename particular fields in a dataframe
richnessProduced a species richness map
richnessmapMap of the number of species or number of records per grid...
rjackOutlier detection using the Reverse Jackknife
sepSeparate coordinates into degrees, minutes and seconds
speciescountCount number of records per species
substddmmSwap degrees and minutes in a coordinate
uniqueformatsList unique coordinate formats
wclimReturns Worldclim bioclimatic variable names
worldWorld country polygons
biogeo documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:05 p.m.