
Defines functions smooth.wavelet

Documented in smooth.wavelet

#' Smooth wavelet in both the time and scale domains
#' The time smoothing uses a filter given by the absolute value of the wavelet
#' function at each scale, normalized to have a total weight of unity, which is
#' a Gaussian function for the Morlet wavelet. The scale smoothing is done with
#' a boxcar function of width 0.6, which corresponds to the decorrelation scale
#' of the Morlet wavelet.
#' @param wave wavelet coefficients
#' @param dt size of time steps
#' @param dj number of octaves per scale
#' @param scale wavelet scales
#' @return Returns the smoothed wavelet.
#' @author Tarik C. Gouhier (tarik.gouhier@@gmail.com)
#' Code based on WTC MATLAB package written by Aslak Grinsted.
#' @references
#' Torrence, C., and P. J. Webster. 1998. The annual cycle of persistence in the
#' El Nino/Southern Oscillation.
#' \emph{Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society} 124:1985-2004.
#' @note This function is used internally for computing wavelet coherence.
#'   It is only appropriate for the morlet wavelet.
#' @examples
#' # Not run: smooth.wt1 <- smooth.wavelet(wave, dt, dj, scale)
smooth.wavelet <- function(wave, dt, dj, scale) {

  m <- NCOL(wave)
  n <- NROW(wave)

  # zero-pad to power of 2... Speeds up fft calcs if n is large
  npad <- 2 ^ ceiling(log2(m)) # new size after padding

  k <- seq_len(.5 * npad) # faster
  k <- k * 2 * pi / npad
  k <- c(0, k, -k[as.integer( .5 * (npad - 1)):1]) # faster

  k2 <- k ^ 2
  snorm <- scale / dt
  smooth <- numeric(length = length(k2))

  twave <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = m, 0)
  for (ii in seq_len(n)) {
    F <- exp(-0.5 * (snorm[ii] ^ 2) * k2)
    wave.pad <- rep(0i, times = length(F))
    wave.pad[seq_len(m)] <- wave[ii,]
    smooth <- fft(F * fft(wave.pad), inverse = TRUE) * (1 / npad)
    twave[ii, ] <- smooth[seq_len(m)]

  if (is.double(wave)) {
    twave <- Re(twave)

  # Scale smoothing (boxcar with width of 0.6)
  # Note: preparing for c++ reimplementation
  dj0steps <- .3 / dj
  dj0steps.mod <- dj0steps %% 1
  dj0steps.len <- 2 * round(dj0steps)
  ker <- c(dj0steps.mod, rep(1, length = dj0steps.len - 1), dj0steps.mod)
  ker <- ker / (dj0steps.len - 1 + 2 * dj0steps.mod)
  keep.start <- floor(.5 * length(ker)) + 1
  swave <- convolve2D_typeopen(twave, rev(ker))

  # return
  swave[keep.start:(keep.start + n - 1),]

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biwavelet documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:23 p.m.