
Defines functions blandr.draw

Documented in blandr.draw

#' @title Bland-Altman drawing function for R
#' @description Bland-Altman drawing function. Depends on the blandr.statistics function in the package. Will generate a plot via the standard R plotting functions.
#' @author Deepankar Datta <deepankar.datta@gmail.com>
#' @note Started 2015-11-14
#' @note Last update 2015-11-19
#' @note Originally designed for LAVAS and CVLA
#' @param plotter (Optional- default='ggplot') Selects which graphics engine to use to plot the Bland-Altman charts. 2 options are 'ggplot' or 'rplot'. If unknown parameter sent, will default to 'ggplot'
#' @param method1 A vector of numbers corresponding to the results from method 1.
#' @param method2 A vector of numbers corresponding to the results from method 2.
#' @inheritParams blandr.statistics
#' @inheritParams blandr.plot.limits
#' @inheritParams blandr.plot.rplot
#' @inheritParams blandr.plot.ggplot
#' @include blandr.statistics.r
#' @include blandr.plot.limits.r
#' @include blandr.plot.rplot.r
#' @include blandr.plot.ggplot.r
#' @examples
#' # Generates two random measurements
#' measurement1 <- rnorm(100)
#' measurement2 <- rnorm(100)
#' # Generates a plot, with no optional arguments
#' blandr.draw( measurement1 , measurement2 )
#' # Generates a plot, using the in-built R graphics
#' blandr.draw( measurement1 , measurement2 , plotter = 'rplot' )
#' # Generates a plot, with title changed
#' blandr.draw( measurement1 , measurement2 , plotTitle = 'Bland-Altman example plot' )
#' # Generates a plot, with title changed, and confidence intervals off
#' blandr.draw( measurement1 , measurement2 , plotTitle = 'Bland-Altman example plot' ,
#' ciDisplay = FALSE , ciShading = FALSE )
#' @export

blandr.draw <- function( method1 ,
                         method2 ,
                         method1name = "Method 1" ,
                         method2name = "Method 2" ,
                         plotTitle = "Bland-Altman plot for comparison of 2 methods",
                         sig.level = 0.95,
                         LoA.mode = 1,
                         annotate = FALSE,
                         ciDisplay = TRUE,
                         ciShading = TRUE,
                         normalLow = FALSE,
                         normalHigh = FALSE,
                         lowest_y_axis = FALSE,
                         highest_y_axis = FALSE,
                         point_size = 0.8,
                         overlapping = FALSE ,
                         plotter = "ggplot" ,
                         x.plot.mode = "means" ,
                         y.plot.mode = "difference" ,
                         plotProportionalBias = FALSE ,
                         plotProportionalBias.se = TRUE ,
                         assume.differences.are.normal = TRUE
                         ) {

    # Passes data to the blandr.statistics function to generate Bland-Altman statistics
    statistics.results <- blandr.statistics(method1, method2, sig.level, LoA.mode)

    # Passed data to the blandr.plot.limits function to generate plot limits
    # Only used for the basic R plots
    plot.limits <- blandr.plot.limits(statistics.results, lowest_y_axis, highest_y_axis)

    # Plots data, dependent on what has been selected as the 'plotter' option Implemented as
    # an if/else statement
    if (plotter == "rplot") {

        # Pass data to the blandr.basic.plot function to use R's in-built graphics system
        blandr.plot.rplot(statistics.results, plot.limits, method1name, method2name, plotTitle,
            annotate, ciDisplay, ciShading, normalLow, normalHigh, point_size)

    } else {

        # Pass data to the blandr.plot.ggplot function to use ggplot2 graphics system
        ba.plot <- blandr.plot.ggplot( statistics.results = statistics.results ,
                                  method1name = method1name ,
                                  method2name = method2name ,
                                  plotTitle = plotTitle ,
                                  ciDisplay = ciDisplay ,
                                  ciShading = ciShading ,
                                  normalLow = normalLow ,
                                  normalHigh = normalHigh ,
                                  overlapping = overlapping ,
                                  x.plot.mode = x.plot.mode ,
                                  y.plot.mode = y.plot.mode ,
                                  plotProportionalBias = plotProportionalBias ,
                                  plotProportionalBias.se = plotProportionalBias.se ,
                                  assume.differences.are.normal = assume.differences.are.normal


    # If ggplot has been selected as the drawing function, returns the ggplot data if further
    # annotation needs to be done In reality what this checks for if the plotter function IS
    # NOT rplot
    if (plotter != "rplot") {




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blandr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:58 a.m.