Man pages for blavaan
Bayesian Latent Variable Analysis

bcfaFit Confirmatory Factor Analysis Models
bgrowthFit Growth Curve Models
blavaanFit a Bayesian Latent Variable Model
blavaan-classClass For Representing A (Fitted) Bayesian Latent Variable...
blavCompareBayesian model comparisons
blavFitIndicesSEM Fit Indices for Bayesian SEM
blavInspectInspect or Extract Information from a Fitted blavaan Object
blav_internalblavaan internal functions
blavPredictPredict the values of latent variables, observed variables,...
bsemFit Structural Equation Models
dpriorsSpecify Default Prior Distributions
plot.blavaanblavaan Diagnostic Plots
ppmcPosterior Predictive Model Checks
sampleDataSample data from the posterior (or prior) distribution.
standardizedPosteriorStandardized Posterior
blavaan documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:37 p.m.