inflation_adjust: Convert the Value of a US Dollar to a Given month on or after...

View source: R/inflation.R

inflation_adjustR Documentation

Convert the Value of a US Dollar to a Given month on or after 1947.


Returns a data frame that uses data from the Consumer Price Index (All Goods) to convert the value of a US Dollar [$1.00 USD] over time.


inflation_adjust(base_date = NA, ...)



= A string argument to represent the base month that you would like dollar values converted to. For example, if you want to see the value of a Jan. 2015 dollar in Jan. 2023, you would select "2015-01-01" as a base date and find Jan 2023 in the table.


additional arguments


A tibble from the BLS API.


## Not run: 
## Get historical USD values based on a dollar from Jan 2015.
values <- inflation_adjust(base_year = "2015-01-01")

## End(Not run)

blscrapeR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:34 a.m.