travel: Bayesian network on travel survey

travelR Documentation

Bayesian network on travel survey


travel is a object for the Bayesian network on a traveling preferences survey.




The Bayesian network travel includes the following nodes:

  • A: three-level factor with levels young, adult, old. It indicates the age of an individual.

  • S: two level-factor with levels M (male) and F (female). It indicates the gender of an individual.

  • E: two level-factor with levels high and uni. It indicates the education level of an individual.

  • O: two level-factor with levels emp (employed) and self (self-employed). It indicates the occupation of an individual.

  • R: two level-factor with levels small and big. It indicates the size of the residence of an individual.

  • T: three level-factor with levels car, train and other. It indicates the preferred mean of transportation by an individual.


Scutari, M., & Denis, J. B. (2014). Bayesian networks: with examples in R. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

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