Man pages for bootSVD
Fast, Exact Bootstrap Principal Component Analysis for High Dimensional Data

As2VsConvert low dimensional bootstrap components to high...
bootPCAQuickly calculates bootstrap PCA results (wrapper for...
bootSVDCalculates bootstrap distribution of PCA (i.e. SVD) results
bootSVD_LDCalculate bootstrap distribution of n-dimensional PCs
EEG_leadingVLeading 5 Principal Components (PCs) from EEG dataset
EEG_muFunctional mean from EEG dataset
EEG_score_varEmpirical variance of the first 5 score variables from EEG...
fastSVDFast SVD of a wide or tall matrix
ffmatrixmultMatrix multiplication with "ff_matrix" or "matrix" inputs
genBootIndecesGenerate a random set of bootstrap resampling indeces
genQGenerate random orthonormal matrix
getMomentsAndMomentCICalculate bootstrap moments and moment-based confidence...
osQuickly print an R object's size
qrSVDWrapper for 'svd', which uses random preconditioning to...
reindexMatricesByKUsed for calculation of low dimensional standard errors &...
reindexVectorsByKUsed to study of the bootstrap distribution of the k^th...
simEEGSimulation functional EEG data
bootSVD documentation built on Feb. 2, 2021, 5:06 p.m.