Man pages for bootnet
Bootstrap Methods for Various Network Estimation Routines

binarizeBinarizes a dataset
bootIncludeInclusion proportion graph
bootnetBootstrapped network estimation
bootnet-packageBootstrap Methods for Various Network Estimation Routines
bootThresholdThreshold network based on bootstrapped intervals
corStabilityCorrelation stability coefficient
differenceTestBootstrapped difference test
estimateNetworkEstimate a network structure
genGGMGenerates a GGM small-world network.
ggmGeneratorGenerates a function that simulates data from the Gaussian...
IsingGeneratorGenerates a function that simulates data from the Ising model
multiverseMultiverse plot of bootnet results
netSimulatorNetwork Estimation Performance
nullReturns NULL
plot.bootnetPlots bootnet results
plotBootnetResultPlot method for bootnetResult objects
plot.netSimulatornetSimulator S3 methods
print.bootnetPrint method for bootnet and bootnetResult objects
summary.bootnetSummarize bootnet results
transformationData transformation functions
bootnet documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:38 a.m.