one_one: Select a one-one sampling

View source: R/AntalTille_UPS.R

one_oneR Documentation

Select a one-one sampling


A one-one sampling is a design for which the random variables Sk, representing the number of times unit k is included in the sample, have expectation and variance equal to 1. Proposed by Antal and Tille' (2011, 2014).


one_one(n, method = c("doubled-half", "over-replacement"))



integer, the sample size


algorithm to be used, either doubled half sampling or srs with over-replacement. See the Details section.


Antal and Tillé proposed two procedures that lead to one-one samplings. The first one (Antal and Tillé, 2011a) in more complex and makes use of a simple random Sampling with over-replacement (Antal and Tillé, 2011b), and it is called by setting method = "over-replacement". The second one (Antal and Tillé, 2014) is the doubled half sampling, which is simpler and quickier to compute, and can employed by setting method = "doubled-half"; this is the default option.


an integer vector of size n, indicating how many times each unit is present in the sample

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