parse_export_tags: Extract comment tags from Roxygen block comments

parse_export_tagsR Documentation

Extract comment tags from Roxygen block comments


Extract comment tags from Roxygen block comments


parse_export_tags(info, exprs, mod_ns)



The unevaluated expressions to parse.


parse_export_tags returns a list of roxy_blocks for all exported declarations.


The following code performs the same function as roxygen2 with a custom @ tag roclet. Unfortunately roxygen2 itself pulls in many dependencies, making it less suitable for an infrastructure package such as this one. Furthermore, the code license of roxygen2 is incompatible with ours, so we cannot simply copy and paste the relevant code out. Luckily the logic is straightforward to reimplement.

box documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:55 a.m.

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