# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393
Calculate_Cxy <- function(m, n, hparam, thetaYList, ZOneDim, qVec, X) {
.Call(`_bpgmm_Calculate_Cxy`, m, n, hparam, thetaYList, ZOneDim, qVec, X)
Calculate_PostLambdaPsy <- function(m, p, hparam, CxyList, thetaYList, qVec, constraint) {
.Call(`_bpgmm_Calculate_PostLambdaPsy`, m, p, hparam, CxyList, thetaYList, qVec, constraint)
update_PostZ <- function(X, m, n, thetaYList) {
.Call(`_bpgmm_update_PostZ`, X, m, n, thetaYList)
update_Hyperparameter <- function(m, p, q, hparam, thetaYList, dVec, sVec) {
.Call(`_bpgmm_update_Hyperparameter`, m, p, q, hparam, thetaYList, dVec, sVec)
get_Z_mat <- function(ZOneDim, m, n) {
.Call(`_bpgmm_get_Z_mat`, ZOneDim, m, n)
dmvnrm_arma <- function(x, mean, sigma, logd) {
.Call(`_bpgmm_dmvnrm_arma`, x, mean, sigma, logd)
calculate_Ratio <- function(logDeno, logNume) {
.Call(`_bpgmm_calculate_Ratio`, logDeno, logNume)
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