Man pages for brr
Bayesian Inference on the Ratio of Two Poisson Rates

Beta2DistBeta distribution of the second kind
BNBDistBeta-negative binomial distribution
BrrCreation and summary of a 'brr' object
brr-packageBayesian inference on the ratio of two Poisson rates
frequentistFrequentist inference about the relative risk
GB2DistGamma-Beta2 distribution
GIBDistGamma-Inverse Beta distribution
InferenceInference summaries
inference_brrCredibility intervals and estimates
intrinsic2_discrepancySecond intrinsic discrepancy
Intrinsic2InferenceIntrinsic inference on the rates ratio based on the second...
intrinsic_discrepancyIntrinsic discrepancy
IntrinsicInferenceIntrinsic inference on the rate ratio.
PGB2DistPoisson-Gamma-Beta2 distribution
PGIBDistPoisson-Gamma-Inverse Beta distribution
plot.brrplot brr
Posterior_lambdaPosterior distribution on the incidence rate in the treated...
Posterior_muPosterior distribution on the rate in the control group
Posterior_phiPosterior distribution on the relative risk and the vaccine...
Post_xPosterior predictive distribution of the count in the treated...
Post_yPosterior predictive distribution of the count in the control...
PriorAndPosteriorPrior and posterior distributions
Prior_lambdaPrior distribution on the incidence rate in the treated group
Prior_muPrior distribution on the rate in the control group
Prior_phiPrior distribution on the relative risk and the vaccine...
Prior_xPrior predictive distribution of the count in the treated...
Prior_x_given_yPrior predictive distribution of the count x in the treated...
Prior_yPrior predictive distribution of the count in the control...
summary_gammaSummary of a Gamma distribution
summary_nbinomSummary of a Negative Binomial distribution
brr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:04 a.m.