
## ----echo=FALSE,results='hide'--------------------------------------
options(prompt = "R> ", continue = " ", width = 70, digits =4, useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
opts_chunk$set(tidy=TRUE, highlight=FALSE, background="white")

## ----results='hide', message=FALSE----------------------------------

## ----echo=TRUE, results='hide', eval=F------------------------------
#  tmp <- ""
#  dat1 <- ""
#  dat1 <- read.delim(paste(tmp, dat1, sep=""), sep=",", header=FALSE, skip=5)
#  dat2 <- "segmentation.test"
#  dat2 <- read.delim(paste(tmp, dat2, sep=""), sep=",", header=FALSE, skip=5)
#  dat1[,1] <- as.numeric(factor(dat1[,1]))
#  dat2[,1] <- as.numeric(factor(dat2[,1]))
#  m <- 500
#  dat.m1 <- mbst(x=dat1[,-1], y=dat1[,1], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge", learner = "tree")
#  err.te1 <- predict(dat.m1, newdata=dat2[,-1], newy=dat2[,1], mstop=m, type="error")
#  dat.m2 <- mbst(x=dat1[,-1], y=dat1[,1], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge2", learner = "tree")
#  err.te2 <- predict(dat.m2, newdata=dat2[,-1], newy=dat2[,1], mstop=m, type="error")
#  dat.m3 <- mhingebst(x=dat1[,-1], y=dat1[,1], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge", learner = "tree")
#  err.te3 <- predict(dat.m3, newdata=dat2[,-1], newy=dat2[,1], mstop=m, type="error")
#  plot(err.te1, type="l", xlab="Iteration", ylab="Test Error", ylim=c(0.05, 0.12))
#  points(err.te2,  type="l", lty="dashed", col="blue")
#  points(err.te3,  type="l", lty="dotted", col="red")
#  legend("topright", c("mbst_hinge", "mbst_hinge2", "mhingebst"), lty=c("solid", "dashed", "dotted"), col=c("black", "blue", "red"))

## ----echo=TRUE, results='hide', eval=F------------------------------
#  tmp <- ""
#  dat1 <- ""
#  dat1 <- read.table(paste(tmp, dat1, sep=""))
#  dat2 <- ""
#  dat2 <- read.table(paste(tmp, dat2, sep=""))
#  m <- 400
#  dat.m1 <- mbst(x=dat1[,-22], y=dat1[,22], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge", learner = "tree")
#  err.te1 <- predict(dat.m1, newdata=dat2[,-22], newy=dat2[,22], mstop=m, type="error")
#  dat.m2 <- mbst(x=dat1[,-22], y=dat1[,22], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge2", learner = "tree")
#  err.te2 <- predict(dat.m2, newdata=dat2[,-22], newy=dat2[,22], mstop=m, type="error")
#  dat.m3 <- mhingebst(x=dat1[,-22], y=dat1[,22], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge", learner = "tree")
#  err.te3 <- predict(dat.m3, newdata=dat2[,-22], newy=dat2[,22], mstop=m, type="error")
#  plot(err.te1, type="l", xlab="Iteration", ylab="Test Error", ylim=c(0.005, 0.01))
#  points(err.te2,  type="l", lty="dashed", col="blue")
#  points(err.te3,  type="l", lty="dotted", col="red")
#  legend("topright", c("mbst_hinge", "mbst_hinge2", "mhingebst"), lty=c("solid", "dashed", "dotted"), col=c("black", "blue", "red"))

## ----echo=TRUE, results='hide', eval=F------------------------------
#  tmp <- ""
#  train <- "sat.trn"
#  train <- read.table(paste(tmp, train, sep=""))
#  test <- "sat.tst"
#  test <- read.table(paste(tmp, test, sep=""))
#  train[,37] <- as.numeric(as.factor(train[,37]))
#  test[,37] <- as.numeric(as.factor(test[,37]))
#  p <- 37
#  colnames(train)[1:(p-1)] <- paste("x", 1:(p-1), sep = "")
#  colnames(test)[1:(p-1)] <- paste("x", 1:(p-1), sep = "")
#  m <- 600
#  dat.m1 <- mbst(x=train[,-37], y=train[,37], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(fixed.depth=FALSE, maxdepth=6, n.term.node=6), family = "hinge", learner = "tree")
#  err.te1 <- predict(dat.m1, newdata=test[,-37], newy=test[,37], mstop=m, type="error")
#  dat.m2 <- mbst(x=train[,-37], y=train[,37], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(fixed.depth=FALSE, maxdepth=6, n.term.node=6), family = "hinge2", learner = "tree")
#  err.te2 <- predict(dat.m2, newdata=test[,-37], newy=test[,37], mstop=m, type="error")
#  dat.m3 <- mhingebst(x=train[,-37], y=train[,37], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(fixed.depth=FALSE, maxdepth=6, n.term.node=6), family = "hinge", learner = "tree")
#  err.te3 <- predict(dat.m3, newdata=test[,-37], newy=test[,37], mstop=m, type="error")
#  plot(err.te1, type="l", xlab="Iteration", ylab="Test Error", ylim=c(0, 0.3))
#  points(err.te2,  type="l", lty="dashed", col="blue")
#  points(err.te3,  type="l", lty="dotted", col="red")
#  legend("topright", c("mbst_hinge", "mbst_hinge2", "mhingebst"), lty=c("solid", "dashed", "dotted"), col=c("black", "blue", "red"))

## ----echo=TRUE, eval=F----------------------------------------------
#  dat <- ""
#  dat <- read.delim(dat, sep=",", header=FALSE)[,-1]
#  ### there is no class 4
#  table(dat[,10])
#  ### must recode class label such that the class labels are consecutive, which is how the code was designed to work
#  id <- dat[,10] > 3
#  dat[id, 10] <- dat[id,10] - 1
#  table(dat[,10])
#  p <- ncol(dat)
#  colnames(dat)[1:(p-1)] <- paste("x", 1:(p-1), sep = "")
#  set.seed(153)
#  ### generate 10 balanced training data and test data, using 9 folds for training and one for test
#  allfolds <- balanced.folds(dat[,10], nfolds=10)
#  omit <- allfolds[[1]]
#  train <- dat[-omit,]
#  test <- dat[omit,]
#  m <- 200
#  dat.m1 <- mbst(x=train[,-p], y=train[,p], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge", learner = "tree")
#  err.te1 <- predict(dat.m1, newdata=test[,-p], newy=test[,p], mstop=m, type="error")
#  dat.m2 <- mbst(x=train[,-p], y=train[,p], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge2", learner = "tree")
#  err.te2 <- predict(dat.m2, newdata=test[,-p], newy=test[,p], mstop=m, type="error")
#  dat.m3 <- mhingebst(x=train[,-p], y=train[,p], ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge", learner = "tree")
#  err.te3 <- predict(dat.m3, newdata=test[,-p], newy=test[,p], mstop=m, type="error")
#  plot(err.te1, type="l", xlab="Iteration", ylab="Test Error", ylim=c(0.15, 0.36))
#  points(err.te2,  type="l", lty="dashed", col="blue")
#  points(err.te3,  type="l", lty="dotted", col="red")
#  legend("topright", c("mbst_hinge", "mbst_hinge2", "mhingebst"), lty=c("solid", "dashed", "dotted"), col=c("black", "blue", "red"))

## ----echo=FALSE,  eval= FALSE---------------------------------------
#  ### no results were produced
#  ### cross-validation
#  dat.cvm1 <- cv.mbst(x=dat[,-p], y=dat[,p], balance=TRUE, K=10, ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge", learner = "tree", type="error")
#  dat.cvm2 <- cv.mbst(x=dat[,-p], y=dat[,p], balance=TRUE, K=10, ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge2", learner = "tree", type="error")
#  dat.cvm3 <- cv.mhingebst(x=dat[,-p], y=dat[,p], balance=TRUE, K=10, ctrl = bst_control(mstop=m), control.tree=list(maxdepth=6), family = "hinge", learner = "tree", type="error")
#  plot(dat.cvm1$cv, type="l", xlab="Iteration", ylab="Test Error")
#  points(dat.cvm2$cv,  type="l", lty="dashed", col="blue")
#  points(dat.cvm3$cv,  type="l", lty="dotted", col="red")
#  legend("topright", c("mbst_hinge", "mbst_hinge2", "mhingebst"), lty=c("solid", "dashed", "dotted"), col=c("black", "blue", "red"))

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bst documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 1:23 a.m.