getSeries: Download Time-Series Data from Bundesbank

View source: R/getSeries.R

getSeriesR Documentation

Download Time-Series Data from Bundesbank


Download time-series from the website of the Bundesbank.


          start = NULL,
          end = format(Sys.Date(), "%Y-%m"),
          return.class = "data.frame",
          verbose = TRUE, dest.dir = NULL)



The series name as given by the Bundesbank (e.g. ‘BBK01.ST0316’ for 3-Month EURIBOR).


character in format ‘YYYY-MM’ or ‘YYYY’. If omitted, the function downloads data from the earliest available date. Currently ignored for real-time datasets.


character in format ‘YYYY.MM’ or ‘YYYY’. If omitted, the function downloads data up to the most recent available date. Currently ignored for real-time datasets.


character or NULL. Currently supported are "zoo" and "data.frame". If NULL or "list", a list is returned for time-series. Real-time data are always returned as a data.frame.




NULL or character. If character, it must be the path to an existing directory. See Details.


The data can be downloaded in CSV-format from the Bundesbank's website .

If dest.dir is provided, the downloaded dataset gets a date prefix (today in format YYYYMMDD) and is stored in directory dest.dir. Before any download is attempted, the function checks whether a file with today's prefix exist in dest.dir; if yes, the file is used.


A data.frame with two (or more) columns:


dates (of class Date)


numerical values

The result for single time-series may have an attribute info, which is a character vector and holds additional information for series (such as its unit). See Examples.

Real-time datasets are always organised as a data.frame, in which the rows correspond to the reporting period and the columns to the publication date. Real-time datasets always have several attributes, in particular date, which corresponds to the publication date.

If a download files, the function will print the error message, but evaluate to NULL (invisibly).


Maintainer: Enrico Schumann <>


## (Internet connection required)

series <- "BBK01.ST0304" ## Eonia
res <- getSeries(series) ## retrieve all available data
res <- getSeries(series, start = "2012-01")
res <- getSeries(series, end   = "2012-01")
res <- getSeries(series, start = "2012-01", end = "2012-05")

## If the download fails, 'res' will be NULL.
## This typically happens when the website of the
## Bundesbank is not available.

if (!is.null(res)) {

    ## make 'zoo' series
    if (require("zoo")) {
        Eonia <- zoo(res$values, res$dates)

    ## check comments
    writeLines(strwrap(paste("- ", attr(res, "info")),
               width = 60, exdent = 2))

    ## real-time dataset (Gross domestic product)
    gdp <- getSeries("BBKRT.A.DE.N.A.AG1.CA010.V.A")

    ## use caching
    ## ==> the example uses a temporary directory, but
    ##     better is to use a less ephemeral destination,
    ##     e.g. '~/Downloads/bundesbank'
    gdp <- getSeries("BBKRT.A.DE.N.A.AG1.CA010.V.A",
                     dest.dir = tempdir())
    ### Downloading data from Bundesbank ... Done.

    gdp <- getSeries("BBKRT.A.DE.N.A.AG1.CA010.V.A",
                     dest.dir = tempdir())
    ### Using cache ... Done.

bundesbank documentation built on Oct. 10, 2023, 1:06 a.m.