
Defines functions getSeries

Documented in getSeries

getSeries <- function(series,
                      start = NULL,
                      end = format(Sys.Date(), "%Y-%m"),
                      return.class = "data.frame",
                      verbose = TRUE,
                      dest.dir = NULL) {


    real.time <- grepl("^BBKRT", series)
    if (real.time) {
        site <- paste0("https://www.bundesbank.de/statistic-rmi/",

    } else {

        if (!is.null(start)) {
            if (nchar(as.character(start)) == 4L)
                start <- paste0(as.character(start), "-01")

            if (nchar(start) != 7L) {
                warning("'start' not in format YYYY-MM")
                tmp <- as.Date(as.character(start))
                if (!is.na(tmp))
                    start <- strftime(tmp, "%Y-%m")
                    stop("'start' not in required format")
        if (nchar(end) != 7L) {
            if (nchar(as.character(end)) == 4L)
                end <- paste0(as.character(end), "-12")

            warning("'end' not in format YYYY-MM")
            tmp <- as.Date(as.character(end))
            if (!is.na(tmp))
                end <- strftime(tmp, "%Y-%m")
                stop("'end' not in required format")
        sstart <- ifelse(is.null(start), "",
                         paste("&its_from=", start, sep = ""))
        sto <- paste("&its_to=", end, sep = "")
        site <- paste("http://www.bundesbank.de/cae/servlet/CsvDownload?",
                      "tsId=", series, "&mode=its&its_csvFormat=en",
                      sstart, "&", sto, sep = "")

    if (!is.null(dest.dir)) {
        filename <- paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"),
                           "__", series,
                           "__", start,
                           "__", end, ".csv")
        filename <- file.path(dest.dir, filename)
        if (!file.exists(filename)) {
            if (verbose)
                message("Downloading data from Bundesbank ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
            download.file(site, filename, quiet = TRUE)
        } else
            if (verbose)
                message("Using cache ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
        dats <- try(readLines(filename), silent = TRUE)
        em <- geterrmessage()
    } else {
        if (verbose)
            message("Downloading data from Bundesbank ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

        con <- url(site)
        dats <- try(readLines(con), silent = TRUE)
        em <- geterrmessage()

    if (inherits(dats, "try-error")) {
        if (verbose) {
    } else {
        if (verbose)

    if (real.time) {
        txt.head <- dats[1:5]
        txt.csv <- dats[-c(1:5)]
        tb <- read.table(text = txt.csv,
                         header = FALSE,
                         sep = ",",
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        row.names(tb) <- tb[[1L]]
        tb <- tb[, -1L]

        h.split <- strsplit(txt.head, " *, *")
        colnames(tb)                <- h.split[[1]][-1L]
        attr(tb, "date")    <- as.Date(h.split[[1]][-1L])
        attr(tb, "unit")            <- h.split[[2]][-1L]
        attr(tb, "unit multiplier") <- h.split[[3]][-1L]
        attr(tb, "Baseyear")        <- h.split[[4]][-1L]
        attr(tb, "Record meth")     <- h.split[[5]][-1L]

        result <- tb

    } else {
        dats <- read.csv(text = dats,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                         as.is = TRUE)

        ## is last line a comment?
        if (dats[NROW(dats), 1L] == "") {
            doc <- dats[NROW(dats), 2L]
            dats <- dats[-NROW(dats), ]
        } else
            doc <- NULL

        doc0 <- dats[2:4, ]
        doc0 <- paste(doc0[, 1L], doc0[, 2L], sep = ": ")
        doc0 <- c(dats[1L, 2L], doc0)
        doc <- c(doc0, doc)
        dats <- dats[-(1:4), ]

        dates <- as.Date(dats[, 1L])
        values <- dats[, 2L]
        NAs <- is.na(dates)
        dates <- dates[!NAs]
        values <- values[!NAs]
        missing <- values == "."
        dates <- dates[!missing]
        values <- as.numeric(values[!missing])

        if (!is.null(return.class)) {
            if (return.class == "zoo")
                if (requireNamespace("zoo"))
                    result <- zoo::zoo(values, dates)
                    stop("package ", sQuote("zoo"), " not available")

            else if (return.class == "data.frame")
                result <- data.frame(dates = dates, values = values)

            else if (return.class == "list")
                result <- list(dates = dates, values = values)

        } else
            result <- list(dates = dates, values = values)

        attr(result, "info") <-  doc


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bundesbank documentation built on Oct. 10, 2023, 1:06 a.m.