activitylog: Create activity log

View source: R/activitylog.R

activitylogR Documentation

Create activity log


Create activity log


activitylog(activitylog, case_id, activity_id, resource_id, timestamps, order)



The data object to be used as activity log. This can be a data.frame or tibble.


The case classifier of the activity log. A character vector containing variable names of length 1 or more.


The activity classifier of the activity log. A character vector containing variable names of length 1 or more.


The resource identifier of the activity log. A character vector containing variable names of length 1 or more.


The columns with timestamps refering to different lifecycle events. A character vector of 1 or more. These should have one of the following names: "schedule","assign","reassign","start","suspend","resume","abort_activity","abort_case","complete","manualskip","autoskip". These columns should be of the Date or POSIXct class.


Configure how to handle sort events with equal timestamps: auto will use the order in the original data, alphabetical will sort the activity labels by alphabet, sorted will assume that the data frame is already correctly sorted and has a column '.order', providing a column name will use this column for ordering (can be numeric of character). The latter will never overrule timestamp orderings.

bupaR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:46 a.m.