
Defines functions axe_fitted.ml_model axe_data.ml_model axe_ctrl.ml_model axe_call.ml_model

Documented in axe_call.ml_model axe_ctrl.ml_model axe_data.ml_model axe_fitted.ml_model

#' Axing a spark object.
#' spark objects are created from the \pkg{sparklyr} package,
#' a \R interface for Apache Spark. The axe methods available
#' for spark objects are designed such that interoperability
#' is maintained. In other words, for a multilingual machine
#' learning team, butchered spark objects instantiated from
#' \pkg{sparklyr} can still be serialized to disk, work in
#' Python, be deployed on Scala, etc. It is also worth noting
#' here that spark objects created from \pkg{sparklyr} have a
#' lot of metadata attached to it, including but not limited
#' to the formula, dataset, model, index labels, etc. The
#' axe functions provided are for parsing down the model
#' object both prior saving to disk, or loading from disk.
#' Traditional \R save functions are not available for these
#' objects, so functionality is provided in \code{sparklyr::ml_save}.
#' This function gives the user the option to keep either the
#' \code{pipeline_model} or the \code{pipeline}, so both of these
#' objects are retained from butchering, yet removal of one or the
#' other might be conducive to freeing up memory on disk.
#' @inheritParams butcher
#' @return Axed spark object.
#' @examplesIf FALSE
#' library(sparklyr)
#' sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
#' iris_tbls <- sdf_copy_to(sc, iris, overwrite = TRUE) %>%
#'   sdf_random_split(train = 2/3, validation = 2/3, seed = 2018)
#' train <- iris_tbls$train
#' spark_fit <- ml_logistic_regression(train, Species ~ .)
#' out <- butcher(spark_fit, verbose = TRUE)
#' spark_disconnect(sc)
#' @name axe-spark

#' Remove the call.
#' @rdname axe-spark
#' @export
axe_call.ml_model <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  old <- x
  x <- exchange(x, "formula", "")

    verbose = verbose

#' Remove the controls.
#' @rdname axe-spark
#' @export
axe_ctrl.ml_model <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  old <- x
  x <- exchange(x, "label_col", "")
  x <- exchange(x, "features_col", "")
  x <- exchange(x, "feature_names", "")
  x <- exchange(x, "response", "")
  x <- exchange(x, "index_labels", "")

    verbose = verbose

#' Remove the data.
#' @rdname axe-spark
#' @export
axe_data.ml_model <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  old <- x
  x <- exchange(x, "dataset", NULL)

    verbose = verbose

#' Remove fitted values.
#' @rdname axe-spark
#' @export
axe_fitted.ml_model <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  old <- x
  x <- exchange(x, "coefficients", matrix(NA))
  x <- exchange(x, "model", NULL)
  x <- exchange(x, "summary", NULL)

    verbose = verbose

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butcher documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:01 a.m.