bvpcol: Solves multipoint boundary value problems of ordinary...

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bvpcolR Documentation

Solves multipoint boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations or differential algebraic equations, using a collocation method.


Solves Boundary Value Problems For Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) or semi-explicit Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAE) with index at most 2.

It is possible to solve stiff ODE systems, by using an automatic continuation strategy

This is an implementation of the fortran codes colsys.f, colnew.f and coldae.f written by respectively U. Ascher, J. christiansen and R.D. Russell (colsys), U. Ascher and G. Bader (colnew) and U. Ascher and C. Spiteri.

The continuation strategy is an implementation of the fortran code colmod written by J.R. Cash, M.H. Wright and F. Mazzia.


bvpcol (yini = NULL, x, func, yend = NULL, parms = NULL, 
        order = NULL, ynames = NULL, xguess = NULL, yguess = NULL, 
        jacfunc = NULL, bound = NULL, jacbound = NULL, 
        leftbc = NULL, posbound = NULL, islin = FALSE, nmax = 1000, 
        ncomp = NULL, atol = 1e-8, colp = NULL, bspline = FALSE,
        fullOut = TRUE, dllname = NULL, initfunc = dllname, 
        rpar = NULL, ipar = NULL, nout = 0, outnames = NULL,
        forcings = NULL, initforc = NULL, fcontrol = NULL, 
        verbose = FALSE, epsini = NULL, eps = epsini, dae = NULL, ...)



either a vector with the initial (state) variable values for the ODE system, or NULL.

If yini is a vector, use NA for an initial value which is not specified.

If yini has a names attribute, the names will be available within func and used to label the output matrix.

If yini = NULL, then the boundary conditions must be specified via function bound; if not NULL then yend should also be not NULL.


sequence of the independent variable for which output is wanted; the first value of x must be the initial value (at which yini is defined), the final value the end condition (at which yend is defined).


either an R-function that computes the values of the derivatives in the ODE system (the model definition) at point x, or a character string giving the name of a compiled function in a dynamically loaded shared library.

If func is an R-function, it must be defined as: func = function(x, y, parms,...). x is the current point of the independent variable in the integration, y is the current estimate of the (state) variables in the ODE system. If the initial values yini has a names attribute, the names will be available inside func. parms is a vector or list of parameters; ... (optional) are any other arguments passed to the function.

The return value of func should be a list, whose first element is a vector containing the values of the equations. In case where the equations are first-order, this will be the derivatives of y with respect to x. After this can come global values that are required at each point in x.

If the problem is a DAE, then the algebraic equations should be the last.

If func is a string, then dllname must give the name of the shared library (without extension) which must be loaded before bvptwp is called. See package vignette "bvpSolve" for more details.


either a vector with the final (state) variable values for the ODE system, or NULL;

if yend is a vector, use NA for a final value which is not specified.

If yend has a names attribute, and yini does not, the names will be available within the functions and used to label the output matrix.

If yend = NULL, then the boundary conditions must be specified via function bound; if not NULL then yini should also be not NULL.


vector or a list with parameters passed to func, jacfunc, bound and jacbound (if present).

If eps is given a value then it should be the **first** element in parms.


the initial value of the continuation parameter. If NULL and eps is given a value, then epsini takes the default starting value of 0.5. For many singular perturbation type problems, the choice of 0.1 < eps < 1 represents a (fairly) easy problem. The user should attempt to specify an initial problem that is not ‘too’ challenging. epsini must be initialised strictly less than 1 and greater than 0.


the desired value of precision for which the user would like to solve the problem. eps must be less than or equal to epsini. If this is given a value, it must be the first value in parms.


The names of the variables; used to label the output, and avaliable within the functions.

If ynames is NULL, names can also be passed via yini, yend or yguess.


Initial grid x, a vector. If xguess is given, so should yguess be.

Supplying xguess and yguess, based on results from a previous (simpler) BVP-ODE can be used for model continuation, see example 2 of bvptwp.


First guess values of y, corresponding to initial grid xguess; a matrix with number of rows equal to the number of variables, and whose number of columns equals the length of xguess.

if the rows of yguess have a names attribute, the names will be available within the functions and used to label the output matrix.

It is also allowed to pass the output of a previous run for continuation. This will use the information that is stored in the attributes istate and rstate. It will only work when for the previous run, fullOut was set equal to TRUE (the default). In this case, xguess need not be provided.

See example 3b.


jacobian (optional) - either an R-function that evaluates the jacobian of func at point x, or a string with the name of a function or subroutine in dllname that computes the Jacobian (see vignette "bvpSolve" for more about this option).

If jacfunc is an R-function, it must be defined as: jacfunc = function(x, y, parms,...). It should return the partial derivatives of func with respect to y, i.e. df(i,j) = dfi/dyj. See last example.

If jacfunc is NULL, then a numerical approximation using differences is used. This is the default.


boundary function (optional) - only if yini and yend are not available. Either an R function that evaluates the i-th boundary element at point x, or a string with the name of a function or subroutine in dllname that computes the boundaries (see vignette "bvpSolve" for more about this option).

If bound is an R-function, it should be defined as: bound = function(i, y, parms, ...). It should return the i-th boundary condition. See last example.


jacobian of the boundary function (optional) - only if bound is defined. Either an R function that evaluates the gradient of the i-th boundary element with respect to the state variables, at point x, or a string with the name of a function or subroutine in dllname that computes the boundary jacobian (see vignette "bvpSolve" for more about this option).

If jacbound is an R-function, it should be defined as: jacbound = function(i, y, parms, ...). It should return the gradient of the i-th boundary condition. See examples.

If jacbound is NULL, then a numerical approximation using differences is used. This is the default.


only if yini and yend are not available and posbound is not specified: the number of left boundary conditions.


only used if bound is given: a vector with the position (in the mesh) of the boundary conditions - its values should be sorted - and it should be within the range of x; (posbound corresponds to fortran input "Zeta" in the colnew/colsys FORTRAN codes. ) See last example. Note that two-point boundary value problems can also be specified via leftbc (which is simpler).


set to TRUE if the problem is linear - this will speed up the simulation.


maximal number of subintervals during the calculation.


the order of each derivative in func. The default is that all derivatives are 1-st order, in which case order can be set = NULL.

For higher-order derivatives, specifying the order can improve computational efficiency, but this interface is more complex.

If order is not NULL, the number of equations in func must equal the length of order; the summed values of order must equal the number of variables (ncomp). The jacobian as specified in jacfunc must have number of rows = number of equations and number of columns = number of variables. bound and jacbound remain defined in the number of variables. See example 3 and 3b.


used if the model is specified by compiled code, the number of components (or equations). See package vignette "bvpSolve".

Also to be used if the boundary conditions are specified by bound, and there is no yguess


error tolerance, a scalar.


number of collocation points per subinterval.


if FALSE, then code colnew is used the default, if TRUE, then fortran code colsys is used. Code colnew incorporates a new basis representation, while colsys uses b-splines.


if set to TRUE, then the collocation output required e.g. for continuation will be returned in attributes rwork and iwork. Use attributes(out)\$rwork, attributes(out)\$rwork to see their contents


a string giving the name of the shared library (without extension) that contains all the compiled function or subroutine definitions referred to in func, jacfunc, bound and jacbound. Note that ALL these subroutines must be defined in the shared library; it is not allowed to merge R-functions with compiled functions.

See package vignette "bvpSolve" or deSolve's package vignette "compiledCode".


if not NULL, the name of the initialisation function (which initialises values of parameters), as provided in ‘dllname’. See package vignette "bvpSolve".


only when ‘dllname’ is specified: a vector with double precision values passed to the dll-functions whose names are specified by func and jacfunc.


only when ‘dllname’ is specified: a vector with integer values passed to the dll-functions whose names are specified by func and jacfunc.


only used if dllname is specified and the model is defined in compiled code: the number of output variables calculated in the compiled function func, present in the shared library. Note: it is not automatically checked whether this is indeed the number of output variables calculated in the dll - you have to perform this check in the code. See deSolve's package vignette "compiledCode".


only used if function is specified in compiled code and nout > 0: the names of output variables calculated in the compiled function. These names will be used to label the output matrix. The length of outnames should be = nout.


only used if ‘dllname’ is specified: a list with the forcing function data sets, each present as a two-columned matrix, with (time,value); interpolation outside the interval [min(times), max(times)] is done by taking the value at the closest data extreme. This feature is included for consistency with the initial value problem solvers from package deSolve.

See package vignette "compiledCode" from package deSolve.


if not NULL, the name of the forcing function initialisation function, as provided in ‘dllname’. It MUST be present if forcings has been given a value.

See package vignette "compiledCode" from package deSolve.


A list of control parameters for the forcing functions.

See package vignette "compiledCode" from package deSolve.


when TRUE, writes messages (warnings) to the screen.


if the problem is a DAE, should be a list containing the index of the problem and the number of algebraic equations nalg.

See example 5


additional arguments passed to the model functions.


If eps does not have a value and dae = NULL, then the method is based on an implementation of the Collocation methods called "colnew" and "colsys" to solve multi-point boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations.

The ODEs and boundary conditions are made available through the user-provided routines, func and vectors yini and yend or (optionally) bound. bvpcol can also solve multipoint boundary value problems (see one but last example).

The corresponding partial derivatives are optionally available through the user-provided routines, jacfunc and jacbound. Default is that they are automatically generated by R, using numerical differences.

The user-requested tolerance is provided through atol.

If the function terminates because the maximum number of subintervals was exceeded, then it is recommended that 'the program be run again with a larger value for this maximum.'

If eps does have a value, then the method is based on an implementation of the Collocation methods called "colmod". The type of problems which this is designed to solve typically involve a small positive parameter 0 < eps << 1. As eps becomes progressively smaller, the problem normally becomes increasingly difficult to approximate numerically (for example, due to the appearance of narrow transition layers in the profile of the analytic solution).

The idea of continuation is to solve a chain of problems in which the parameter eps decreases monotonically towards some desired value. That is, a sequence of problems is attempted to be solved:

epsini > eps1 > eps2 > eps3 > ..... > eps > 0

where epsini is a user provided starting value and eps is a user desired final value for the parameter.

If dae is not NULL, then it is assumed that a DAE has to be solved. In that case, dae should contain give the index of the DAE and the number of algebraic equations (nalg).

(this part comes from the comments in the code coldae). With respect to the dae, it should be noted that the code does not explicitly check the index of the problem, so if the index is > 2 then the code will not work well. The number of boundary conditions required is independent of the index. it is the user's responsibility to ensure that these conditions are consistent with the constraints. The conditions at the left end point must include a subset equivalent to specifying the index-2 constraints there. For an index-2 problem in hessenberg form, the projected collocation method of Ascher and Petzold [2] is used.


A matrix of class bvpSolve, with up to as many rows as elements in x and as many columns as elements in yini plus the number of "global" values returned in the second element of the return from func, plus an additional column (the first) for the x-value.

There will be one row for each element in x unless the solver returns with an unrecoverable error.

If ynames is given, or yini, yend has a names attribute, or yguess has named rows, the names will be used to label the columns of the output value.

The output will also have attributes istate and rstate which contain the collocation output required e.g. for continuation of a problem, unless fullOutput is FALSE


colnew.f (Bader and Ascher, 1987), is a modification of the code colsys.f (Ascher, Christiansen and Russell, 1981), which incorporates a new basis representation replacing b-splines, and improvements for the linear and nonlinear algebraic equation solvers. To toggle on/off colsys, set bspline = TRUE/FALSE

colmod is a revised version of the package colnew by Bader and Ascher (1987), which in turn is a modification of the package colsys by Ascher, Christiansen and Russell (1981). Colmod has been adapted to allow an automatic continuation strategy to be used (Cash et al., 1995).

The mesh selection algorithm used in colmod differs from that used in colnew


Karline Soetaert <>


U. Ascher, J. Christiansen and R. D. Russell, (1981) collocation software for boundary-value odes, acm trans. math software 7, 209-222.

G. Bader and U. Ascher, (1987) a new basis implementation for a mixed order boundary value ode solver, siam j. scient. stat. comput. 8, 487-483.

U. Ascher, J. Christiansen and R.D. Russell, (1979) a collocation solver for mixed order systems of boundary value problems, math. comp. 33, 659-679.

U. Ascher, J. Christiansen and R.D. Russell, (1979) colsys - a collocation code for boundary value problems, lecture notes 76, springer verlag, B. Childs et. al. (eds.), 164-185.

J. R. Cash, G. Moore and R. W. Wright, (1995) an automatic continuation strategy for the solution of singularly perturbed linear two-point boundary value problems, j. comp. phys. 122, 266-279.

U. Ascher and R. Spiteri, 1994. collocation software for boundary value differential-algebraic equations, siam j. scient. stat. comput. 15, 938-952.

U. Ascher and L. Petzold, 1991. projected implicit runge-kutta methods for differential- algebraic equations, siam j. num. anal. 28 (1991), 1097-1120.

See Also

bvpshoot for the shooting method

bvptwp for a MIRK formula

diagnostics.bvpSolve, for a description of diagnostic messages

approx.bvpSolve, for approximating solution in new values

plot.bvpSolve, for a description of plotting the output of the BVP solvers.


## =============================================================================
## Example 1: simple standard problem
## solve the BVP ODE:
## d2y/dt^2=-3py/(p+t^2)^2
## y(t= -0.1)=-0.1/sqrt(p+0.01)
## y(t=  0.1)= 0.1/sqrt(p+0.01)
## where p = 1e-5
## analytical solution y(t) = t/sqrt(p + t^2).
## The problem is rewritten as a system of 2 ODEs:
## dy=y2
## dy2=-3p*y/(p+t^2)^2
## =============================================================================

# Derivative function
fun <- function(t, y, pars) { 
  dy1 <- y[2]
  dy2 <- - 3 * p * y[1] / (p+t*t)^2
                dy2))) }

# parameter value
p    <- 1e-5

# initial and final condition; second conditions unknown
init <- c(-0.1 / sqrt(p+0.01), NA)
end  <- c( 0.1 / sqrt(p+0.01), NA)

# Solve bvp
sol  <- bvpcol(yini = init, yend = end, 
               x = seq(-0.1, 0.1, by = 0.001), func = fun)
plot(sol, which = 1)

# add analytical solution
curve(x/sqrt(p+x*x), add = TRUE, type = "p")


zoom <- approx(sol, xout = seq(-0.005, 0.005, by  = 0.0001))
plot(zoom, which = 1, main = "zoom in on [-0.0005,0.0005]")

## =============================================================================
## Example 1b: 
## Same problem, now solved as a second-order equation 
## and with different value of "p".
## =============================================================================

fun2 <- function(t, y, pars)
{ dy <- - 3 * p * y[1] / (p+t*t)^2

p <- 1e-4
sol2  <- bvpcol(yini = init, yend = end, order = 2, 
                x = seq(-0.1, 0.1, by = 0.001), func = fun2)

# plot both runs at once:
plot(sol, sol2, which = 1)

## =============================================================================
## Example 1c: simple
## solve d2y/dx2 + 1/x*dy/dx + (1-1/(4x^2)y = sqrt(x)*cos(x),
## on the interval [1,6] and with boundary conditions:
## y(1)=1, y(6)=-0.5
## Write as set of 2 odes
## dy/dx = y2
## dy2/dx  = - 1/x*dy/dx - (1-1/(4x^2)y + sqrt(x)*cos(x)
## =============================================================================

f2 <- function(x, y, parms)
 dy  <- y[2]
 dy2 <- -1/x * y[2]- (1-1/(4*x^2))*y[1] + sqrt(x)*cos(x)
 list(c(dy, dy2))

x    <- seq(1, 6, 0.1)
sol  <- bvpcol(yini = c(1, NA), yend = c(-0.5, NA), bspline = TRUE,
               x = x, func = f2)
plot(sol, which = 1)

# add the analytic solution
curve(0.0588713*cos(x)/sqrt(x) + 1/4*sqrt(x)*cos(x)+0.740071*sin(x)/sqrt(x)+
      1/4*x^(3/2)*sin(x), add = TRUE, type = "l")

## =============================================================================
## Example 2. Uses continuation
## Test problem 24
## =============================================================================

Prob24<- function(t, y, ks) {     #eps is called ks here
  A <- 1+t*t
  AA <- 2*t
  ga <- 1.4
  list(c(y[2],(((1+ga)/2 -ks*AA)*y[1]*y[2]-y[2]/y[1]-

ini <- c(0.9129, NA)
end <- c(0.375, NA)
xguess <- c(0, 1)
yguess <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2, 0.9 )

# bvpcol works with eps NOT too small, and good initial condition ...
sol <- bvpcol(yini = ini, yend = end, x = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01),
              xguess = xguess, yguess = yguess,
              parms = 0.1, func = Prob24, verbose = FALSE)

# when continuation is used: does not need a good initial condition
sol2 <- bvpcol(yini = ini, yend = end, x = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01),
                  parms = 0.05, func = Prob24,
                  eps = 0.05)
#zoom <- approx(sol2, xout = seq(0.01, 0.02, by  = 0.0001))
#plot(zoom, which = 1, main = "zoom in on [0.01, 0.02]")

sol3 <- bvpcol(yini = ini, yend = end, x = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01),
                  parms = 0.01, func = Prob24 , eps = 0.01)

sol4 <- bvpcol(yini = ini, yend = end, x = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01),
                  parms = 0.001, func = Prob24, eps = 0.001)

# This takes a long time
## Not run: 
sol5 <- bvpcol(yini = ini, yend = end, x = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01),
                  parms = 1e-4, func = Prob24, eps = 1e-4)

## End(Not run)

plot(sol, sol2, sol3, sol4, which = 1, main = "test problem 24",
     lwd = 2)

legend("topright", col = 1:4, lty = 1:4, lwd = 2,
       legend = c("0.1", "0.05", "0.01", "0.001"), title = "eps")

## =============================================================================
## Example 3  - solved with specification of boundary, and jacobians
## d4y/dx4 =R(dy/dx*d2y/dx2 -y*dy3/dx3)
## y(0)=y'(0)=0
## y(1)=1, y'(1)=0
## dy/dx  = y2
## dy2/dx = y3    (=d2y/dx2)
## dy3/dx = y4    (=d3y/dx3)
## dy4/dx = R*(y2*y3 -y*y4)
## =============================================================================

# derivative function: 4 first-order derivatives
f1st<- function(x, y, S) {
         1/S*(y[2]*y[3] - y[1]*y[4]) ))

# jacobian of derivative function
df1st <- function(x, y, S) {
 matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE, data = c(
             0,         1,      0,       0,
             0,         0,      1,       0,
             0,         0,      0,       1,
             -1*y[4]/S, y[3]/S, y[2]/S, -y[1]/S))

# boundary
g2 <- function(i, y, S)  {
  if (i == 1) return (y[1])
  if (i == 2) return (y[2])
  if (i == 3) return (y[1] - 1)
  if (i == 4) return (y[2])

# jacobian of boundary
dg2 <- function(i, y, S)  {
  if (i == 1) return(c(1, 0, 0, 0))
  if (i == 2) return(c(0, 1, 0, 0))
  if (i == 3) return(c(1, 0, 0, 0))
  if (i == 4) return(c(0, 1, 0, 0))

# we use posbound to specify the position of boundary conditions
# we can also use leftbc = 2 rather than posbound = c(0,0,1,1)
S    <- 1/100
sol  <- bvpcol(x = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01),
          ynames = c("y", "dy", "d2y", "d3y"),
          posbound = c(0, 0, 1, 1), func = f1st, parms = S, eps = S,
          bound = g2, jacfunc = df1st, jacbound = dg2)


## =============================================================================
## Example 3b - solved with specification of boundary, and jacobians
## and as a higher-order derivative
## d4y/dx4 =R(dy/dx*d2y/dx2 -y*dy3/dx3)
## y(0)=y'(0)=0
## y(1)=1, y'(1)=0
## =============================================================================

# derivative function: one fourth-order derivative
f4th <- function(x, y, S) {
  list(1/S * (y[2]*y[3] - y[1]*y[4]))

# jacobian of derivative function
df4th <- function(x, y, S)  {
  matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE, data = c(
             -1*y[4]/S, y[3]/S, y[2]/S, -y[1]/S))

# boundary function - same as previous example

# jacobian of boundary - same as previous

# order = 4 specifies the equation to be 4th order
# solve with bspline false
S    <- 1/100
sol  <- bvpcol (x = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01),
          ynames = c("y", "dy", "d2y", "d3y"),
          posbound = c(0, 0, 1, 1), func = f4th, order = 4,
          parms = S, eps = S, bound = g2, jacfunc = df4th,
          jacbound = dg2 )


# Use (manual) continuation to find solution of a more difficult example
# Previous solution collocation from sol passed ("guess = sol")

sol2  <- bvpcol(x = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01),
          ynames = c("y", "dy", "d2y", "d3y"),
          posbound = c(0, 0, 1, 1), func = f4th,
          parms = 1e-6, order = 4, eps = 1e-6,
          bound = g2, jacfunc = df4th, jacbound = dg2 )

# plot both at same time
plot(sol, sol2, lwd = 2)

legend("bottomright", leg = c(100, 10000), title = "R = ",
         col = 1:2, lty = 1:2, lwd = 2)

## =============================================================================
## Example 4  - a multipoint bvp
## dy1 = (y2 - 1)/2
## dy2 = (y1*y2 - x)/mu
## over interval [0,1]
## y1(1) = 0; y2(0.5) = 1
## =============================================================================

multip <- function (x, y, p) {
  list(c((y[2] - 1)/2, 
         (y[1]*y[2] - x)/mu))

bound <- function (i, y, p) {
  if (i == 1) y[2] -1    # at x=0.5: y2=1
  else y[1]              # at x=  1: y1=0

mu  <- 0.1
sol <- bvpcol(func = multip, bound = bound, 
              x = seq(0, 1, 0.01), posbound = c(0.5, 1))


# check boundary value
sol[sol[,1] == 0.5,]

## =============================================================================
## Example 5 - a bvp DAE
## =============================================================================

bvpdae <- function(t, x, ks, ...) {
  p1  <- p2 <- sin(t)
  dp1 <- dp2 <- cos(t)
  dx1 <- (ks + x[2] - p2)*x[4] + dp1
  dx2 <- dp2
  dx3 <- x[4]
  res <- (x[1] - p1)*(x[4] - exp(t))

  list(c(dx1, dx2, dx3, res), res = res)

boundfun <- function(i,  x, par, ...) {
  if (i == 1) return(x[1] - sin(0))
  if (i == 2) return(x[3] - 1)
  if (i == 3) return(x[2] - sin(1))
  if (i == 4) return((x[1] - sin(1))*(x[4] - exp(1)))  # Not used here..

x <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
mass <- diag(nrow = 4)  ; mass[4, 4] <- 0

# solved using boundfun
out <- bvpcol (func = bvpdae, bound = boundfun, x = x, 
               parms = 1e-4, ncomp = 4, leftbc = 2,
               dae = list(index = 2,  nalg = 1)) 

# solved using yini, yend
out1 <- bvpcol (func = bvpdae, x = x, parms = 1e-4, 
                yini = c(sin(0), NA, 1, NA), 
                yend = c(NA, sin(1), NA, NA),
                dae = list(index = 2,  nalg = 1)) 

# the analytic solution
ana <- cbind(x, "1" = sin(x), "2" = sin(x), "3" = 1, "4" = 0, res = 0)
plot(out, out1, obs = ana)

bvpSolve documentation built on Sept. 21, 2023, 5:07 p.m.