
Defines functions bcMer

bcMer <-
function(object, method = NULL, B = NULL, sigma.penalty = 1, analytic = TRUE) {
  # A function that calls the bias correction functions.
  # Args: 
  #   object    = Object of class lmerMod or glmerMod. Obtained by lmer() or glmer()
  #               or of class lme
  #   method = How the bias correction should be evaluated. If NULL than method 
  #            is chosen by family, i.e. analytical if family is Poisson or 
  #            Gaussian and with parametric bootstrap for other. Method may also
  #            be specified before, either "steinian" or "conditionalBootstrap".
  #            "steinian" only available for Gaussian, Poisson and Bernoulli.
  #   B      = Number of Bootstrap replications. Default is NULL then it is 
  #            chosen as maximum of the number of observations and 100.
  # Returns:
  #   bc = Bias correction for a mixed model.
  if (is.null(method) | class(object) == "lme") {
          binomial = {
            bc <- biasCorrectionBernoulli(object)
          poisson = {
            bc <- biasCorrectionPoisson(object)
          gaussian = {
            bc <- biasCorrectionGaussian(object, sigma.penalty, analytic)
            cat("For this family no bias correction is currently available \n")
            bc <- NA
  } else {
    if(method == "steinian") {
            binomial = {
              bc <- biasCorrectionBernoulli(object)
            poisson = {
              bc <- biasCorrectionPoisson(object)
            gaussian = {
              bc <- biasCorrectionGaussian(object, sigma.penalty, analytic)
              cat("For this family no bias correction is currently available \n")
              bc <- NA
    if(method == "conditionalBootstrap") {
      if (is.null(B)) {
        B <- max(length(getME(object, "y")), 100)
      bc <- conditionalBootstrap(object, B)

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cAIC4 documentation built on Sept. 22, 2021, 5:07 p.m.