Man pages for cSFM
Covariate-adjusted Skewed Functional Model (cSFM)

case2.b.initialInitial Estimates of Parameter Functions
case2.unmll.optimNegative loglikelihood function and the Gradient
cp2betaTransformation between Parameters and B-spline Coefficients
data.generator.y.FGenerate Data using Skewed Pointwise Distributions and...
data.simulationData with Skewed Marginal Distributions and Gaussian Copula...
DFT.basisDiscrete Fourier Transformation (DFT) Basis System
D.SNDerivatives of Normalized Skewed Normal Parameterized by...
generic.HACGeneric Method for 'cSFM' Objects
HAC.estModel Estimation with Bivariate Regression B-Splines
HAC.est.parallelKnots Selection by AIC
HAC-packageCovariate-adjusted Skewed Functional Model
kpbbKronecker Product Bspline Basis
legendre.polynomialsOrthogonal Legendre Polynomials Basis System
predict.kpbbEvaluate a predefined Kronecker product B-spline basis at...
ReparameterizationReparameterize Skewed Normal Parameterized using Shape and...
SSNStandard Skewed Normal Parameterized using Skewness.
uni.fpcaFunctional Principle Component Analysis with Corpula
cSFM documentation built on May 29, 2017, 6:10 p.m.