summary.mjca: Summarizing multiple and joint correspondence analysis

Description Usage Arguments Details Examples

View source: R/summary.mjca.r


Textual output summarizing the results of mjca, including a scree-plot of the principal inertias and row and column contributions.


## S3 method for class 'mjca'
summary(object, scree = TRUE, rows = FALSE, columns = TRUE, ...)



Multiple or joint correspondence analysis object returned by mjca.


Logical flag specifying if a scree-plot should be included in the output.


Logical specifying whether the results for the rows should be included in the output (default = FALSE).


Logical specifying whether the results for the columns should be included in the output (default = TRUE).


Further arguments (ignored)


The function summary.mjca gives the detailed numerical results of the mjca function. All the eigenvalues (principal inertias) are listed, their percentages with respect to total inertia, and a bar chart (also known as a scree plot). Then for the set of rows and columns a table of results is given in a standard format, where quantities are either multiplied by 1000 or expressed in permills (thousandths): the mass of each point (x1000), the quality of display in the solution subspace of nd dimensions, the inertia of the point (in permills of the total inertia), and then for each dimension of the solution the principal coordinate (x1000), the (relative) contribution COR of the principal axis to the point inertia (x1000) and the (absolute) contribution CTR of the point to the inertia of the axis (in permills of the principal inertia).
For supplementary points, masses, inertias and absolute contributions (CTR) are not applicable, but the relative contributions (COR) are valid as well as their sum over the set of chosen nd dimensions (QLT).



Example output

Principal inertias (eigenvalues):

 dim    value      %   cum%   scree plot               
 1      0.076455  44.9  44.9  *************            
 2      0.058220  34.2  79.1  **********               
 3      0.009197   5.4  84.5  **                       
 4      0.005670   3.3  87.8  *                        
 5      0.001172   0.7  88.5                           
 6      7e-06000   0.0  88.5                           
        -------- -----                                 
 Total: 0.170246                                       

     name   mass  qlt  inr    k=1 cor ctr    k=2 cor ctr  
1  |  A:1 |   34  963   55 |  508 860 115 | -176 103  18 |
2  |  A:2 |   92  659   38 |  151 546  28 |   69 113   7 |
3  |  A:3 |   59  929   47 | -124 143  12 |  289 786  84 |
4  |  A:4 |   51  798   50 | -322 612  69 | -178 186  28 |
5  |  A:5 |   14  799   60 | -552 369  55 | -596 430  84 |
6  |  B:1 |   20  911   62 |  809 781 174 | -331 131  38 |
7  |  B:2 |   50  631   47 |  177 346  21 |  161 285  22 |
8  |  B:3 |   59  806   45 |   96 117   7 |  233 690  55 |
9  |  B:4 |   81  620   41 | -197 555  41 |   68  65   6 |
10 |  B:5 |   40  810   60 | -374 285  74 | -509 526 179 |
11 |  C:1 |   44  847   60 |  597 746 203 | -219 101  36 |
12 |  C:2 |   91  545   38 |   68 101   6 |  143 444  32 |
13 |  C:3 |   57  691   48 | -171 218  22 |  252 473  62 |
14 |  C:4 |   44  788   52 | -373 674  80 | -153 114  18 |
15 |  C:5 |   15  852   60 | -406 202  32 | -728 650 136 |
16 |  D:1 |   17  782   56 |  333 285  25 | -440 497  57 |
17 |  D:2 |   67  126   42 |  -61 126   3 |    2   0   0 |
18 |  D:3 |   58  688   48 | -106  87   9 |  280 601  78 |
19 |  D:4 |   65  174   43 |  -61 103   3 |   51  71   3 |
20 |  D:5 |   43  869   50 |  196 288  22 | -278 581  57 |

ca documentation built on Jan. 24, 2020, 9:06 a.m.

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