DreamData223by3: Maxwell's dream data set with added totally random column

DreamData223by3R Documentation

Maxwell's dream data set with added totally random column


Reported disturbance of dreams among boys, plus a random column




A matrix of 223 individuals by 3 variables

Age group - R

5-7 (A), 8-9 (B), 10-11 (C), 12-13 (D), 13-14 (E)

Severity of disturbance of dream - C

Severity of disturbance of dream: lowest (a) to highest (d)

Random fake variable - V

1 to 3


Adapted from G. Iliopoulos, M. Kateri and I. Ntzoufras, Bayesian estimation of unrestricted and order-restricted association models for a two-way contingency table, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 51 (2007), pp. 4643–4655.

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