
Defines functions ic_vector

Documented in ic_vector

#' Return a named vector from raw iCal text
#' This is designed to be a helper function for creating data frames
#' ical lists.
#' @inheritParams ic_list
#' @inheritParams ic_find
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = ical_example[18:19]
#' ic_vector(x)
ic_vector <- function(x, pattern = "[A-Z]-?[A-Z]") {
  key <- gsub(pattern = ":(.*)", replacement = "", x = x)    # replace :xYz with ''
  # remove only the first value for 'value'
  value <- sub(pattern = "(.*?):", replacement = "", x = x) # replace xYz: with ''
  names(value) <- key
  value <- value[grepl(pattern = pattern, x = names(value))]
  # class(value)
  # data.frame(as.list(value))

  # an alternative approach (abandoned)
  # key_value_df = read.table(text = key_value, sep = ":", row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # key_value_vec = c(key_value_df)
  # class(key_value_vec)

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calendar documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:34 a.m.