add | Add element to list. |
addODECompartment | Add ODE compartment to compartments object. |
addProperties | Add properties to compartments object. |
addSuffix | Generic function to add a suffix to various objects like... |
allNa | Check is vector has NA's only. |
appendCodeRecords | Append code records |
appendComment | Append comment. |
appendCompartments | Append compartments. |
appendModel | Append model (or simply add). |
appendParameters | Append parameters. | | As data frame method. |
assertSingleCharacterString | Assert the given character vector is a single character... |
autoDetectNONMEM | Auto-detect special variables from NONMEM as compartment... |
Bioavailability | Create a bioavailability for the specified compartment. |
CampsisModel | Create a new CAMPSIS model. |
campsis_model-class | CAMPSIS model class. |
code_record-class | Code record class. See this code record as an abstract class.... |
CodeRecords | Create a list of code records. |
Comment | Create a new comment. |
comment-class | Comment class. A statement starting with #. |
Compartment | Create a compartment. |
compartment_bioavailability-class | Compartment bioavailability class. |
compartment-class | Compartment class. |
compartment_infusion_duration-class | Compartment infusion duration class. |
compartment_infusion_rate-class | Compartment infusion rate class. |
compartment_initial_condition-class | Compartment initial condition class. |
compartment_lag_time-class | Compartment lag time class. |
compartment_properties-class | Compartment properties class. |
compartment_property-class | Compartment property class. |
Compartments | Create a list of compartments |
compartments-class | Compartments class. |
contains | Check if an element exists in list. |
convertAnyComment | Convert CAMPSIS comment style to C/C++ code. Only the first #... |
convertOutvarsToCapture | Convert outvars argument to capture. Variables that are... |
default | Get default element from list. |
delete | Delete an element from this list. |
disable | Disable. |
double_array_parameter-class | Double-array parameter class. This parameter has 2 indexes.... |
duration_record-class | (Infusion)-duration record class. |
Equation | Create a new equation. |
equation-class | Equation class. Any statement in the form A = B. |
ErrorRecord | Create ERROR code record. |
error_record-class | Error record class. |
export | Export function. |
export_type-class | Export type class. |
extractLhs | Extract left-hand-side expression. |
extractRhs | Extract right-hand-side expression. |
extractTextBetweenBrackets | Extract text between brackets. |
find | Find an element in list. |
fixOmega | Fix omega matrix for SAME OMEGA parameters that have NA... |
f_record-class | Bioavailability record class. |
getByIndex | Get element by index. |
getByName | Get an element from a list by name. Never return more than 1... |
getCompartmentIndex | Get the compartment index for the specified compartment name. |
getCompartments | Detect all compartments names from the code records. Only for... |
getName | Get element name. |
getNameInModel | Get the name of the given parameter in the CAMPSIS model. |
getNames | Get element names from list. |
getNONMEMName | Get NONMEM name. |
getPrefix | Get prefix. |
getRecordDelimiter | Get record delimiter. |
getRecordEquationNames | Get record equation names |
getRecordName | Get record name. |
getUncertainty | Get uncertainty on the parameters. |
getVarCov | Get variance-covariance matrix. |
grapes-greater-than-grapes | Magritt operator for piping. |
hasComment | Check if string contains CAMPSIS-style comments. |
IfStatement | Create a new IF-statement. |
if_statement-class | If-statement class. Any statement in the form if (condition)... |
ifStatementPatternStr | Return the IF-statement pattern (string form). |
indexOf | Get the index of an element in list. |
InfusionDuration | Create an infusion duration. |
InfusionRate | Create an infusion rate. |
InitialCondition | Create an initial condition. |
init_record-class | Init record class. |
isComment | Check if string is a CAMPSIS comment (i.e. not an equation). |
isDiag | Is diagonal. |
isEmptyLine | Check if string is an empty line. |
isEquation | Say if line in record is an equation not. |
isIfStatement | Say if line in record is an IF-statement. |
isODE | Say if line(s) in record is/are ODE or not. |
isRecordDelimiter | Is record delimiter. A record delimiter is any line starting... |
isStrictRecordDelimiter | Is strict record delimiter. A strict record delimiter is any... |
lag_record-class | Lag record class. |
LagTime | Create a lag time for the specified compartment. |
length | Return the length of this list. |
LineBreak | Create a new line break. |
line_break-class | Line-break class. A linebreak in the model. |
MainRecord | Create MAIN code record. |
main_record-class | Main record class. |
matchDoubleArrayParameter | Match double array parameter from list based on the name... |
matchSingleArrayParameter | Match single array parameter from list based on the name... |
maxIndex | Max index. |
methodsGlobalFunctions | A empty method only used to declare some of the global... |
minIndex | Min index. |
model_statement-class | Model statement class. Any statement in a code record. |
ModelStatements | Create an empty list of model statements. |
model_statements-class | Model statements class. A list of statements. |
model_suite | CAMPSIS model suite. |
mrgsolveBlock | Convert code record for mrgsolve. |
mrgsolveCapture | Get the CAPTURE block for mrgsolve. |
mrgsolveCompartment | Get the compartment block for mrgsolve. |
mrgsolveMain | Get the MAIN block for mrgsolve. |
mrgsolveMatrix | Get the OMEGA/SIGMA matrix for mrgsolve. |
mrgsolveOde | Get the ODE block for mrgsolve. |
mrgsolveParam | Get the parameters block for mrgsolve. |
mrgsolveTable | Get the TABLE block for mrgsolve. |
mrgsolve_type-class | Mrgsolve export type class. |
Ode | Create a new ordinary differential equation (ODE). |
ode-class | ODE class. Any statement in the form d/dt(A_CMT) = B. |
OdeRecord | Create ODE code record. |
ode_record-class | ODE record class. |
Omega | Create an OMEGA parameter. |
omega-class | Omega parameter class. |
parameter-class | Parameter class. Any parameter in a pharmacometric model. |
Parameters | Create a list of parameters. |
parameters-class | Parameters class. |
parseIfStatement | Parse IF-statement. Assumption: isIfStatement method already... |
parseStatements | Parse statements code and return CAMPSIS statements. |
Pattern | Create a pattern. |
pattern-class | Pattern class. |
pmx_element-class | PMX element class. |
pmx_list-class | PMX list class. |
pmx_position_by_element-class | PMX position by element class. |
pmx_position_by_index-class | PMX position by index class. |
pmx_position-class | PMX position class. |
Position | Element position in list. |
processDoubleArrayArguments | Process double array arguments. |
processExtraArg | Process extra arguments. |
properties_record-class | Properties record class. |
rate_record-class | (Infusion)-rate record class. |
read | Generic read method to read data from a file or a folder. |
read.allparameters | Read all parameters files at once. |
read.campsis | Read a CAMPSIS model. |
read.model | Read model file. |
read.parameters | Read parameters file. |
read.pmxmod | Read a CAMPSIS model (deprecated). |
read.varcov | Read variance-covariance file. |
removeNaColumn | Remove given column(s) if it has only NA's. |
removeTrailingLineBreaks | Remove all trailing line breaks. |
replace | Replace element by another in list. |
replaceAll | Replace all occurrences in object. |
rxodeCode | Get code for RxODE. |
rxodeMatrix | Get the OMEGA/SIGMA matrix for RxODE. |
rxodeParams | Get the parameters vector for RxODE. |
rxode_type-class | RxODE export type class. |
select | Get a subset of an object. |
Sigma | Create a SIGMA parameter. |
sigma-class | Sigma parameter class. |
single_array_parameter-class | Single-array parameter class. This parameter has a single... |
sort | Sort the specified list. |
standardise | Standardise. |
statements_record-class | Statements record class. |
Theta | Create a THETA parameter. |
theta-class | Theta parameter class. |
toString | ToString generic method. |
trim | Trim character vector. Remove all leading and trailing... |
UnknownStatement | Create a new ordinary differential equation (ODE). |
unknown_statement-class | Unknown statement class. Any statement not recognized by... |
UnsupportedDestException | Unknown destination engine exception. |
updateCompartments | Update compartments list from the persisted records. Exported... |
VariablePattern | Create a variable pattern. |
variable_pattern-class | Variable pattern class. |
variablePatternNoStartStr | Return the variable pattern (string form), without the first... |
variablePatternStr | Return the variable pattern (string form). |
write | Write generic object to files. |
writeParameters | Write subset of parameters (theta, omega or sigma). |
writeRecordDelimiter | Write record delimiter line. |
writeVarcov | Write variance-covariance matrix. |
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