Man pages for campsismod
Generic Implementation of a PK/PD Model

addAdd element to list.
addODECompartmentAdd ODE compartment to compartments object.
addPropertiesAdd properties to compartments object.
addSuffixGeneric function to add a suffix to various objects like...
allNaCheck is vector has NA's only.
appendCodeRecordsAppend code records
appendCommentAppend comment.
appendCompartmentsAppend compartments.
appendModelAppend model (or simply add).
appendParametersAppend parameters. data frame method.
assertSingleCharacterStringAssert the given character vector is a single character...
autoDetectNONMEMAuto-detect special variables from NONMEM as compartment...
BioavailabilityCreate a bioavailability for the specified compartment.
CampsisModelCreate a new CAMPSIS model.
campsis_model-classCAMPSIS model class.
code_record-classCode record class. See this code record as an abstract class....
CodeRecordsCreate a list of code records.
CommentCreate a new comment.
comment-classComment class. A statement starting with #.
CompartmentCreate a compartment.
compartment_bioavailability-classCompartment bioavailability class.
compartment-classCompartment class.
compartment_infusion_duration-classCompartment infusion duration class.
compartment_infusion_rate-classCompartment infusion rate class.
compartment_initial_condition-classCompartment initial condition class.
compartment_lag_time-classCompartment lag time class.
compartment_properties-classCompartment properties class.
compartment_property-classCompartment property class.
CompartmentsCreate a list of compartments
compartments-classCompartments class.
containsCheck if an element exists in list.
convertAnyCommentConvert CAMPSIS comment style to C/C++ code. Only the first #...
convertOutvarsToCaptureConvert outvars argument to capture. Variables that are...
defaultGet default element from list.
deleteDelete an element from this list.
double_array_parameter-classDouble-array parameter class. This parameter has 2 indexes....
duration_record-class(Infusion)-duration record class.
EquationCreate a new equation.
equation-classEquation class. Any statement in the form A = B.
ErrorRecordCreate ERROR code record.
error_record-classError record class.
exportExport function.
export_type-classExport type class.
extractLhsExtract left-hand-side expression.
extractRhsExtract right-hand-side expression.
extractTextBetweenBracketsExtract text between brackets.
findFind an element in list.
fixOmegaFix omega matrix for SAME OMEGA parameters that have NA...
f_record-classBioavailability record class.
getByIndexGet element by index.
getByNameGet an element from a list by name. Never return more than 1...
getCompartmentIndexGet the compartment index for the specified compartment name.
getCompartmentsDetect all compartments names from the code records. Only for...
getNameGet element name.
getNameInModelGet the name of the given parameter in the CAMPSIS model.
getNamesGet element names from list.
getNONMEMNameGet NONMEM name.
getPrefixGet prefix.
getRecordDelimiterGet record delimiter.
getRecordEquationNamesGet record equation names
getRecordNameGet record name.
getUncertaintyGet uncertainty on the parameters.
getVarCovGet variance-covariance matrix.
grapes-greater-than-grapesMagritt operator for piping.
hasCommentCheck if string contains CAMPSIS-style comments.
IfStatementCreate a new IF-statement.
if_statement-classIf-statement class. Any statement in the form if (condition)...
ifStatementPatternStrReturn the IF-statement pattern (string form).
indexOfGet the index of an element in list.
InfusionDurationCreate an infusion duration.
InfusionRateCreate an infusion rate.
InitialConditionCreate an initial condition.
init_record-classInit record class.
isCommentCheck if string is a CAMPSIS comment (i.e. not an equation).
isDiagIs diagonal.
isEmptyLineCheck if string is an empty line.
isEquationSay if line in record is an equation not.
isIfStatementSay if line in record is an IF-statement.
isODESay if line(s) in record is/are ODE or not.
isRecordDelimiterIs record delimiter. A record delimiter is any line starting...
isStrictRecordDelimiterIs strict record delimiter. A strict record delimiter is any...
lag_record-classLag record class.
LagTimeCreate a lag time for the specified compartment.
lengthReturn the length of this list.
LineBreakCreate a new line break.
line_break-classLine-break class. A linebreak in the model.
MainRecordCreate MAIN code record.
main_record-classMain record class.
matchDoubleArrayParameterMatch double array parameter from list based on the name...
matchSingleArrayParameterMatch single array parameter from list based on the name...
maxIndexMax index.
methodsGlobalFunctionsA empty method only used to declare some of the global...
minIndexMin index.
model_statement-classModel statement class. Any statement in a code record.
ModelStatementsCreate an empty list of model statements.
model_statements-classModel statements class. A list of statements.
model_suiteCAMPSIS model suite.
mrgsolveBlockConvert code record for mrgsolve.
mrgsolveCaptureGet the CAPTURE block for mrgsolve.
mrgsolveCompartmentGet the compartment block for mrgsolve.
mrgsolveMainGet the MAIN block for mrgsolve.
mrgsolveMatrixGet the OMEGA/SIGMA matrix for mrgsolve.
mrgsolveOdeGet the ODE block for mrgsolve.
mrgsolveParamGet the parameters block for mrgsolve.
mrgsolveTableGet the TABLE block for mrgsolve.
mrgsolve_type-classMrgsolve export type class.
OdeCreate a new ordinary differential equation (ODE).
ode-classODE class. Any statement in the form d/dt(A_CMT) = B.
OdeRecordCreate ODE code record.
ode_record-classODE record class.
OmegaCreate an OMEGA parameter.
omega-classOmega parameter class.
parameter-classParameter class. Any parameter in a pharmacometric model.
ParametersCreate a list of parameters.
parameters-classParameters class.
parseIfStatementParse IF-statement. Assumption: isIfStatement method already...
parseStatementsParse statements code and return CAMPSIS statements.
PatternCreate a pattern.
pattern-classPattern class.
pmx_element-classPMX element class.
pmx_list-classPMX list class.
pmx_position_by_element-classPMX position by element class.
pmx_position_by_index-classPMX position by index class.
pmx_position-classPMX position class.
PositionElement position in list.
processDoubleArrayArgumentsProcess double array arguments.
processExtraArgProcess extra arguments.
properties_record-classProperties record class.
rate_record-class(Infusion)-rate record class.
readGeneric read method to read data from a file or a folder.
read.allparametersRead all parameters files at once.
read.campsisRead a CAMPSIS model.
read.modelRead model file.
read.parametersRead parameters file.
read.pmxmodRead a CAMPSIS model (deprecated).
read.varcovRead variance-covariance file.
removeNaColumnRemove given column(s) if it has only NA's.
removeTrailingLineBreaksRemove all trailing line breaks.
replaceReplace element by another in list.
replaceAllReplace all occurrences in object.
rxodeCodeGet code for RxODE.
rxodeMatrixGet the OMEGA/SIGMA matrix for RxODE.
rxodeParamsGet the parameters vector for RxODE.
rxode_type-classRxODE export type class.
selectGet a subset of an object.
SigmaCreate a SIGMA parameter.
sigma-classSigma parameter class.
single_array_parameter-classSingle-array parameter class. This parameter has a single...
sortSort the specified list.
statements_record-classStatements record class.
ThetaCreate a THETA parameter.
theta-classTheta parameter class.
toStringToString generic method.
trimTrim character vector. Remove all leading and trailing...
UnknownStatementCreate a new ordinary differential equation (ODE).
unknown_statement-classUnknown statement class. Any statement not recognized by...
UnsupportedDestExceptionUnknown destination engine exception.
updateCompartmentsUpdate compartments list from the persisted records. Exported...
VariablePatternCreate a variable pattern.
variable_pattern-classVariable pattern class.
variablePatternNoStartStrReturn the variable pattern (string form), without the first...
variablePatternStrReturn the variable pattern (string form).
writeWrite generic object to files.
writeParametersWrite subset of parameters (theta, omega or sigma).
writeRecordDelimiterWrite record delimiter line.
writeVarcovWrite variance-covariance matrix.
campsismod documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 5:13 p.m.