camtraps: Sample camera trap station information

camtrapsR Documentation

Sample camera trap station information


Example camera trap station information table




A data frame with 3 rows and 7 variables


This is a general example of how information about camera trap stations are arranged in camtrapR. It contains setup and retrieval dates and coordinates. If more than 1 camera was set up at a station (e.g. 2 cameras facing each other), a camera ID column must be added, with camera-specific information instead of station-specific information. If cameras malfunctioned repeatedly, additional pairs of problem columns can be added, e.g. "Problem2_from" and "Problem2_to" etc..

The variables are as follows:

Station Camera trap station ID
utm_y y coordinate of station (northing)
utm_x x coordinate of station (easting)
Setup_date camera trap setup date
Retrieval_date camera trap retrieval date
Problem1_from first day of camera malfunction
Problem1_to last day of camera malfunction


The coordinates can be in the units of any coordinate system. UTM was chosen as an example, but it could be latlong or anything else, too. capthist objects (as created by spatialDetectionHistory for spatial capture-recapture analyses) expect the unit to be meters.

camtrapR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:45 a.m.