Man pages for canaper
Categorical Analysis of Neo- And Paleo-Endemism

acacia_Acacia_ example data
biod_exampleBiodiverse example data
biod_resultsOutput from Biodiverse
canaper-packagecanaper: Categorical Analysis of Neo- And Paleo-Endemism
cpr_classify_endemClassify phylogenetic endemism
cpr_classify_signifClassify statistical significance
cpr_endem_colsCVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of CANAPE
cpr_endem_cols_2CVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of CANAPE,...
cpr_endem_cols_3CVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of CANAPE,...
cpr_endem_cols_4CVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of CANAPE,...
cpr_iter_simSimulate the number of iterations needed to generate a random...
cpr_make_palMake a palette of colors for plotting CANAPE results
cpr_rand_commRandomize a single community matrix
cpr_rand_testRun a randomization analysis for one or more biodiversity...
cpr_signif_colsCVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of...
cpr_signif_cols_2CVD-friendly color palette for plotting results of...
mishler_endem_colsOriginal color palette for plotting results of CANAPE
mishler_signif_colsOriginal color palette for plotting results of CANAPE
phylocomPhylocom example data
canaper documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:39 p.m.