# Standalone file: do not edit by hand
# Source: <>
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---
# repo: ddsjoberg/standalone
# file: standalone-checks.R
# last-updated: 2024-05-04
# license:
# dependencies: standalone-cli_call_env.R
# imports: [rlang, cli]
# ---
# This file provides a minimal functions to check argument values and types
# passed by users to functions in packages.
# ## Changelog
# nocov start
# styler: off
#' Check Class
#' @param x `(object)`\cr
#' object to check
#' @param cls (`character`)\cr
#' character vector or string indicating accepted classes.
#' Passed to `inherits(what=cls)`
#' @param message (`character`)\cr
#' string passed to `cli::cli_abort(message)`
#' @param allow_empty (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Logical indicating whether an empty value will pass the test.
#' Default is `FALSE`
#' @param arg_name (`string`)\cr
#' string indicating the label/symbol of the object being checked.
#' Default is `rlang::caller_arg(x)`
#' @param envir (`environment`)\cr
#' Environment to evaluate the glue expressions in passed in `cli::cli_abort(message)`.
#' Default is `rlang::current_env()`
#' @inheritParams cli::cli_abort
#' @inheritParams rlang::abort
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_class <- function(x,
allow_empty = FALSE,
message =
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be class
{.cls {cls}} or empty, not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}.",
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be class
{.cls {cls}}, not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}."
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_class",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
# if empty, skip test
if (isTRUE(allow_empty) && rlang::is_empty(x)) {
if (!inherits(x, cls)) {
cli::cli_abort(message, class = c(class, "standalone-checks"), call = call, .envir = envir)
#' Check Class Data Frame
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_data_frame <- function(x,
allow_empty = FALSE,
message =
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be class
{.cls data.frame} or empty, not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}.",
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be class
{.cls data.frame}, not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}."
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_data_frame",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
x = x, cls = "data.frame", allow_empty = allow_empty,
message = message, arg_name = arg_name, class = class, call = call, envir = envir
#' Check Class Logical
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_logical <- function(x,
allow_empty = FALSE,
message =
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be class
{.cls logical} or empty, not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}.",
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be class
{.cls logical}, not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}."
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_logical",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
x = x, cls = "logical", allow_empty = allow_empty,
message = message, arg_name = arg_name, class = class, call = call, envir = envir
#' Check Class Logical and Scalar
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_scalar_logical <- function(x,
allow_empty = FALSE,
message =
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be a scalar with class
{.cls logical} or empty, not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}.",
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be a scalar with class
{.cls logical}, not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}."
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_scalar_logical",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
x = x, allow_empty = allow_empty,
message = message, arg_name = arg_name,
class = class, call = call, envir = envir
x = x, allow_empty = allow_empty,
message = message, arg_name = arg_name,
call = call, envir = envir
#' Check String
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_string <- function(x,
allow_empty = FALSE,
message =
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be a string or empty,
not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}.",
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be a string,
not {.obj_type_friendly {x}}."
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_string",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
x = x, cls = "character", allow_empty = allow_empty,
message = message, arg_name = arg_name,
class = class, call = call, envir = envir
x = x, allow_empty = allow_empty,
message = message, arg_name = arg_name,
class = class, call = call, envir = envir
#' Check Argument not Missing
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_not_missing <- function(x,
message = "The {.arg {arg_name}} argument cannot be missing.",
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_not_missing",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
if (missing(x)) {
cli::cli_abort(message, class = c(class, "standalone-checks"), call = call, .envir = envir)
# can't return 'x' because it may be an unevaluable obj, eg a bare tidyselect
#' Check Length
#' @param length (`integer(1)`)\cr
#' integer specifying the required length
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_length <- function(x,
message =
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be length {.val {length}} or empty.",
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be length {.val {length}}."
allow_empty = FALSE,
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_length",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
# if empty, skip test
if (isTRUE(allow_empty) && rlang::is_empty(x)) {
# check length
if (length(x) != length) {
cli::cli_abort(message, class = c(class, "standalone-checks"), call = call, .envir = envir)
#' Check is Scalar
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_scalar <- function(x,
allow_empty = FALSE,
message =
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be length {.val {1}} or empty.",
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be length {.val {1}}."
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_scalar",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
x = x, length = 1L, message = message,
allow_empty = allow_empty, arg_name = arg_name,
class = class, call = call, envir = envir
#' Check Number of Levels
#' @param n_levels Number of required levels (after NA are removed).
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_n_levels <- function(x,
message =
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must have {.val {n_levels}} levels.",
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_n_levels",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
x = stats::na.omit(x) |> unique(),
length = n_levels, message = message,
allow_empty = FALSE, arg_name = arg_name,
class = class, call = call, envir = envir
#' Check Range
#' @param x numeric scalar to check
#' @param range numeric vector of length two
#' @param include_bounds logical of length two indicating whether to allow
#' the lower and upper bounds
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @return invisible
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_range <- function(x,
include_bounds = c(FALSE, FALSE),
message =
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be in the interval
{.code {ifelse(include_bounds[1], '[', '(')}{range[1]},
{range[2]}{ifelse(include_bounds[2], ']', ')')}}.",
allow_empty = FALSE,
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_range",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
# if empty, skip test
if (isTRUE(allow_empty) && rlang::is_empty(x)) {
print_error <- FALSE
# check input is numeric
if (!is.numeric(x)) {
print_error <- TRUE
# check the lower bound of range
if (isFALSE(print_error) && isTRUE(include_bounds[1]) && any(x < range[1])) {
print_error <- TRUE
if (isFALSE(print_error) && isFALSE(include_bounds[1]) && any(x <= range[1])) {
print_error <- TRUE
# check upper bound of range
if (isFALSE(print_error) && isTRUE(include_bounds[2]) && any(x > range[2])) {
print_error <- TRUE
if (isFALSE(print_error) && isFALSE(include_bounds[2]) && any(x >= range[2])) {
print_error <- TRUE
# print error
if (print_error) {
cli::cli_abort(message, class = c(class, "standalone-checks"), call = call, .envir = envir)
#' Check Scalar Range
#' @param x numeric scalar to check
#' @param range numeric vector of length two
#' @param include_bounds logical of length two indicating whether to allow
#' the lower and upper bounds
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @return invisible
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_scalar_range <- function(x,
include_bounds = c(FALSE, FALSE),
allow_empty = FALSE,
message =
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be in the interval
{.code {ifelse(include_bounds[1], '[', '(')}{range[1]},
{range[2]}{ifelse(include_bounds[2], ']', ')')}}
and length {.val {1}}.",
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_scalar_range",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
check_scalar(x, message = message, arg_name = arg_name,
allow_empty = allow_empty, class = class, call = call, envir = envir)
check_range(x = x, range = range, include_bounds = include_bounds,
message = message, allow_empty = allow_empty,
arg_name = arg_name, class = class, call = call, envir = envir)
#' Check Binary
#' Checks if a column in a data frame is binary,
#' that is, if the column is class `<logical>` or
#' `<numeric/integer>` and coded as `c(0, 1)`
#' @param x a vector
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @return invisible
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_binary <- function(x,
allow_empty = FALSE,
message =
"Expecting {.arg {arg_name}} to be either {.cls logical},
{.cls {c('numeric', 'integer')}} coded as {.val {c(0, 1)}}, or empty.",
"Expecting {.arg {arg_name}} to be either {.cls logical}
or {.cls {c('numeric', 'integer')}} coded as {.val {c(0, 1)}}."
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_binary",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
# if empty, skip test
if (isTRUE(allow_empty) && rlang::is_empty(x)) {
# first check x is either logical or numeric
check_class(x, cls = c("logical", "numeric", "integer"),
arg_name = arg_name, message = message, class = class,
call = call, envir = envir)
# if "numeric" or "integer", it must be coded as 0, 1
if (!is.logical(x) && !(rlang::is_integerish(x) && rlang::is_empty(setdiff(x, c(0, 1, NA))))) {
cli::cli_abort(message, class = c(class, "standalone-checks"), call = call, .envir = envir)
#' Check Formula-List Selector
#' Checks the structure of the formula-list selector used throughout the
#' cards, cardx, and gtsummary packages.
#' @param x formula-list selecting object
#' @inheritParams check_class
#' @return invisible
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
check_formula_list_selector <- function(x,
allow_empty = FALSE,
message =
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be a named list, list of formulas, a single formula, or empty.",
"The {.arg {arg_name}} argument must be a named list, list of formulas, or a single formula."
"i" = "Review {.help [?syntax](cards::syntax)} for examples and details."
arg_name = rlang::caller_arg(x),
class = "check_formula_list_selector",
call = get_cli_abort_call(),
envir = rlang::current_env()) {
# if empty, skip test
if (isTRUE(allow_empty) && rlang::is_empty(x)) {
# first check the general structure; must be a list or formula
x = x, cls = c("list", "formula"), allow_empty = allow_empty,
message = message, arg_name = arg_name, class = class, call = call, envir = envir
# if it's a list, then check each element is either named or a formula
if (inherits(x, "list")) {
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
if (!rlang::is_named(x[i]) && !inherits(x[[i]], "formula")) {
cli::cli_abort(message, class = c(class, "standalone-checks"), call = call, .envir = envir)
# nocov end
# styler: on
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