
Defines functions flowanalysis

Documented in flowanalysis

#' @title Computation of a global concentration criterion of flows values or features
#' @description Computation of a global selection criterion
#' for filtering flows values or flow features.\cr
#' To be use after \link{flowgini} and before \link{flowmap}.
#' @param tab input flow dataset from \link{flowgini}
#' @param fij flow value between origin and destination places
#' @param critflow desired level of information significativity. See Details.
#' @param critlink desired level of features density. See Details.
#' @param result resulting filtering criterion value. See Details.
#' @details
#' -critflow =  desired level of flow's information significativity
#' (e.g. 80%) of the total information ; \cr
#' -critlink = desired level of flow's features density (e.g. 20%)
#' of the flow features that represents the more significant information. \cr
#' -result="density" returns the desired level of features density as
#' a % of total features ; \cr
#' -result = "significativity" returns the level of flow significativity
#' as a % of total of flow information ;
#' @examples
#' library(cartograflow)
#' data(flowdata)
#' # 1/4: Computes Gini's coefficent
#' tabgini <- flowgini(ODpts=flows, origin = "i", destination = "j",
#'                      valflow = "Fij", lorenz.plot = FALSE)
#' ### [1] Gini's coefficent = 73.16 %
#' \donttest{
#' # 2/4: Plot Lorenz curve
#' flowgini(ODpts=tabgini,
#'   format = "L", origin = "i", dest = "j", valflow = "ydata",
#'   bkg=map, code = "EPT_NUM", lorenz.plot = TRUE
#' )
#' }
#' # 3/4: Compute critflow filtering parameter
#' # critflow = 0.8 #selected criterion
#' flowanalysis(tabgini, critflow = 0.8, result = "signif")
#' ### [1] "threshold =  11238  ---  flows =  80 % ---  links =  22.94 %"
#' # 4/4: Plot the flowmap
#' \donttest{
#' flowmap(
#'   tab = tabflow, fij = "Fij", origin.f = "i", destination.f = "j",
#'   bkg = map, code = "EPT_NUM", nodes.X = "X", nodes.Y = "Y",
#'   filter = TRUE,
#'   threshold = 11238,
#'   taille = 8,
#'   a.head = 1,
#'   a.length = 0.11,
#'   a.angle = 30,
#'   a.col = "#3f4247"
#' )
#' }
#' @references
#' Bahoken Françoise, 2016,« La cartographie d’une sélection globale de flux, entre ‘significativité’ et ‘densité’ »,
#' Netcom Online, 30-3/4 | 2016, Online since 23 March 2017, connection on 05 May 2019. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/netcom/2565 ;
#' DOI : 10.4000/netcom.2565
#' @export

flowanalysis <- function(tab, fij = NULL, critflow, critlink, result) {
  if (result == "signif") {

                          if (missing(critflow)) {
                            stop("you must enter a value for the critflow when you signif ", call. = FALSE)

                          flow.select <- tab[tab$flowcum < critflow, ]
                          x <- tail(flow.select, 1)

                          if (!is.null(fij)) {
                            flow.seuil <- x[, fij]
                          else {
                            flow.seuil <- x[3]

                          flow.critlink <- x$linkcum
                          gini.signif <- paste(
                            "threshold = ", round(flow.seuil, 0), " --- ",
                            "flows = ", round(critflow * 100, 2), "% --- ",
                            "links = ", round(flow.critlink * 100, 2), "%"

  if (result == "density") {

                            if (missing(critlink)) {
                              stop("you must enter a value for the critlink when you used density", call. = FALSE)

                            link.select <- tab[tab$linkcum < critlink, ]
                            y <- tail(link.select, 1)

                            if (!is.null(fij)) {
                              link.seuil <- y[, fij]
                            else {
                              link.seuil <- y[3]

                            link.critflow <- y$flowcum
                            gini.density <- paste(
                              "threshold = ", round(link.seuil, 0), " --- ",
                              "flows = ", round(link.critflow * 100, 2), "% --- ",
                              "links = ", round(critlink * 100, 2), "%"

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cartograflow documentation built on Oct. 18, 2023, 1:07 a.m.