Man pages for cata
Analysis of Check-All-that-Apply (CATA) Data

ARIAdjusted Rand index
barrayConvert 3d array of CATA data to 4d array of CATA differences
bclusterWrapper function for b-cluster analysis
bcluster.hb-cluster analysis by hierarchical agglomerative strategy
bcluster.nb-cluster analysis by non-hierarchical iterative ascent...
breadConsumer CATA data set: bread
cochranQCochran's Q test
code.topkApply top-k box coding to scale data
evaluateClusterQualityEvaluate Quality of Cluster Analysis Solution
getbCalculate the b-measure
homogeneityCalculate within-cluster homogeneity
inspectInspect/summarize many b-cluster analysis runs
mcnemarQMcNemar's test
pLiftPenalty-Lift Analysis
rv.coefCalculate RV Coefficient
saltonSalton's cosine measure
selectionPlotPlot variation in retained sensory differentiation
toMatrixConverts 3d array of CATA data to a tall 2d matrix format
topcApply top-c choices coding to a vector of scale data from a...
toWideMatrixConverts 3d array of CATA data to a wide 2d matrix format
cata documentation built on Oct. 8, 2024, 9:07 a.m.