evaluateClusterQuality: Evaluate Quality of Cluster Analysis Solution

View source: R/evalClusterQuality.R

evaluateClusterQualityR Documentation

Evaluate Quality of Cluster Analysis Solution


Evaluate the quality of cluster analysis solutions using measures related to within-cluster product discrimination, between-cluster non-redundancy, overall diversity (coverage), average RV, sensory differentiation retained, and within-cluster homogeneity.


evaluateClusterQuality(X, M, alpha = .05, M.order = NULL, 
quiet = FALSE, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)



three-way array; the I, J, M array has I assessors, J products, M attributes where CATA data have values 0 (not checked) and 1 (checked)


cluster memberships


significance level to be used for two-tailed tests


can be used to change the cluster numbers (e.g. to label cluster 1 as cluster 2 and vice versa); defaults to NULL


if FALSE (default) then it prints information quality measures; if TRUE then returns results without printing


significant digits (to display)


other parameters for print.default (if quiet = TRUE).


A list containing cluster analysis quality measures:

  • $solution :

    • Pct.b = percentage of the total sensory differentiation retained in the solution

    • min(NR) = smallest observed between-cluster non-redundancy

    • Div_G = overall diversity (coverage)

    • H_G = overall homogeneity (weighted average of within-cluster homogeneity indices)

    • avRV = average RV coefficient for all between-cluster comparisons

  • $clusters :

    • ng = number of cluster members

    • bg = sensory differentiation retained in cluster

    • xbarg = average citation rate in cluster

    • Hg = homogeneity index within cluster (see homogeneity)

    • Dg = within-cluster product discrimination

  • $nonredundancy.clusterpairs :

    • square data frame showing non-redundancy for each pair of clusters (low values indicate high redundancy)

  • $rv.clusterpairs :

    • square data frame with RV coefficient for each pair of clusters (high values indicate higher similarity in product configurations)


Castura, J.C., Meyners, M., Varela, P., & Næs, T. (2022). Clustering consumers based on product discrimination in check-all-that-apply (CATA) data. Food Quality and Preference, 104564. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.foodqual.2022.104564")}.

See Also



evaluateClusterQuality(bread$cata[1:8,,1:5], M = rep(1:2, each = 4))

cata documentation built on Oct. 8, 2024, 9:07 a.m.