Man pages for cbsem
Simulation, Estimation and Segmentation of Composite Based Structural Equation Models

averageR2wFor use in boottestgscm.
boottestgscmTesting two segmentations of a GSC model
checkwChecking composite based SE models if there are weights in...
clustergscairlsClustering gsc-models
FlDeriv'FlDeriv'compute the Jacobian of the Fleishman transform for...
Fleishman'Fleishman' computes the variance, skewness and kurtosis for...
FleishmanICFunctions to generate nonnormal distributed multivariate...
gscalsEstimating GSC models belonging to scenarios...
gscalsoutOutput of gscals for the simplemodel data.
gscalsresidFor use in clustergscairls, residuals of a gsc-model
gscmcovDetermination of the covariance matrix of a GSC model...
gscmcovff'gscmcovff' determines the covariance matrix of a GSC model...
gscmcovfr'gscmcovfr' determines the covariance matrix of a GSC model...
gscmcovoutOutput of covgscmodel for the simplemodel data.
gscmcovrr'gscmcovrr' determines the covariance matrix of a GSC model...
mobi250Mobile phone data for the ECSI model.
NewtonFl'NewtonFl' Newton's method to find roots of the function...
plspathEstimation of pls-path models
poloecfreePolitical and economical freedom.
rValeMaurelli'rValeMaurelli' Simulate data from a multivariate nonnormal...
simplemodelSimulated data.
SolveCorr'SolveCorr' Solve the Vale-Maurelli cubic equation to find...
subcheckwFunction for use in checkw
twoclmSimulated data.
VMTargetCorr'VMTargetCorr' Given a target correlation matrix, R, and...
cbsem documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:56 a.m.