cbs_join_sf_with_data: Create a map with data from cbsodataR

View source: R/cbs_join_sf_with_data.R

cbs_join_sf_with_dataR Documentation

Create a map with data from cbsodataR


Utility function to create an sf map object with data from cbsodataR.


cbs_join_sf_with_data(region, year, x, verbose = FALSE)



character name of region


integer year of a region


data retrieved with cbs_get_data()


if TRUE the method is verbose


The function is a simple wrapper around cbs_add_statcode_column() and cbs_get_sf(). Please note that the resulting sf::st_sf() dataset has the same number of rows as the requested map object, as requested by cbs_get_sf(), i.e. not the same rows as x. It's the users responsibility to match the correct map to the selection of the data.

See Also

Other cartographic map: cbs_add_statcode_column(), cbs_get_maps(), cbs_get_sf()


if (interactive()){
  # retrieve maps
  cbs_maps <- cbs_get_maps()
  cbs_maps |> head(4)
  gemeente_map <- cbs_get_sf("gemeente", 2023, verbose=TRUE)
  # sf object
  # plot the statcodes (included in the map)
  plot(gemeente_map, max.plot = 1)
  # now connect with some data
  labor <- cbs_get_data("85268NED"
                       , Perioden = "2022JJ00" # only 2022
                       , RegioS = has_substring("PV") # only province
                       , verbose = TRUE
  # most conveniently
  provincie_2022_with_data <- cbs_join_sf_with_data("provincie", 2022, labor)
  # better plotting options are ggplot2 or tmap, 
  # but keeping dependencies low...
  provincie_2022_with_data |> 
    subset(select = Werkloosheidspercentage_13) |> 
    plot( border ="#FFFFFF99", main="unemployment rate")
  ## but of course this can also be done by hand:
  labor <- labor |> 
    cbs_add_statcode_column()  # add column to connect with map
  provincie_2022 <- cbs_get_sf("provincie", 2022)
  # this is a left_join(provincie_2022, labor, by = "statcode")
  provincie_2022_data <- 
    within(provincie_2022, {
      unemployment_rate <- labor$Werkloosheidspercentage_13[match(statcode, labor$statcode)]
  # better plotting options are ggplot2 or tmap, 
  # but keeping dependencies low...
  plot( provincie_2022_data[,c("unemployment_rate")]
      , border ="#FFFFFF99"
      , nbreaks = 12

cbsodataR documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 5:07 p.m.