
Defines functions logLik.cchs vcov.cchs summary.cchs print.cchs

# Functions related to the cchs class or classes in general. 

# S3 generic function that will be called when you type cchs(...) or 
# print(cchs(...)). To pass R CMD check, print.cchs must have exactly the same 
# arguments as print.  
print.cchs <- function(x, ...) {
	cat("Call: ")
	cat("Number of observations/rows: ", x$n, ", of which\n", sep="")
	statusNumbers <- x$nEachStatus
	cat("        subcohort non-cases:", statusNumbers["subcohortNoncases"], 
	cat("        subcohort cases:    ", statusNumbers["subcohortCases"], 
	cat("        non-subcohort cases:", statusNumbers["nonsubcohortCases"], 
	if (x$message != "") cat(x$message, "\n") 
	cat("Number of strata for subcohort-selection:", x$nStrata, "\n")
	confidenceLevel <- { if ("confidenceLevel" %in% names(x))  
			x$confidenceLevel else 0.95 }
	cat("Coefficients (HR = hazard ratio, CI = ", confidenceLevel * 100, 
			"% confidence interval, SE = standard error):\n", sep="")

# S3 generic function that will be called when you type summary(cchs(...)).  
# The purpose of this is just to prevent summary((cchs(...)) from giving 
# useless output. It returns the object unchanged and tells the user what to 
# type to get the information they probably want. 
summary.cchs <- function(object, ...) {
	cat("summary(cchsObject) does no extra calculations and just returns",
			"cchsObject.\nTo get a summary of cchsObject, type cchsObject.\n") 
	#setS3class(object, "summary.cchs")

# Other S3 generic functions. 

# coef already works.

vcov.cchs <- function(object, ...) {
# confint now works.

logLik.cchs <- function(object, ...) {
	result <- object$loglik[2]
	attr(result, "df") <- sum(!is.na(coefficients(object)))
	attr(result, "nobs") <- object$nevent  # see note below
	class(result) <- "logLik"
# AIC and BIC now work.

# Note on the nobs attribute of the logLik object: this is set to object$nevent 
# rather than object$n because this is preferable when the logLik object is 
# used by BIC. This the same as in survival:::logLik.coxph. 
# See https://www.stat.washington.edu/research/reports/1999/tr349.pdf 
# and https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/coxme/vignettes/coxme.pdf. 


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cchs documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:09 a.m.