ALWDWKY: Number of drinks consumed in the past week

View source: R/alcohol.R

ALWDWKYR Documentation

Number of drinks consumed in the past week


NOTE: this is not a function.

This is a continuous variable derived by Statistics Canada that quantifies the amount of alcohol that is consumed in a week. This is calculated by adding the number of drinks consumed each day in the past week. Respondents of each CCHS cycle are asked how much alcohol they have consumed each day in the past week (ie. how much alcohol did you consume on Sunday, how much did you consume on Monday etc.). Each day is considered an individual variable and ALWDWKY takes the sum of all daily variables.





cchsflow variable name for number of drinks consumed in the past week


This variable is present in every CCHS cycle used in cchsflow, and how it was derived remains consistent.



cchsflow documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:09 a.m.