cosref: Cosmology parameter data included in celestial package.

Description Usage Details Author(s) References See Also Examples


cosref: Cosmology H0 / OmegaM / OmegaL / OmegaR (via OmegaM/zeq) and Sigma8 parameters taken from Planck (13/15/18), WMAP (1/3/5/9), Millennium Simulation and GiggleZ. Not all of these exist for each source, so NA values are used in these cases.

For Planck we use the second column of the main cosmology table, which does no use external data.




The included data is a table of the following cosmological parameters:

Ref H0 OmegaM OmegaL OmegaR Sigma8
737 70.0 0.300 0.700 NA NA
137 100.0 0.300 0.700 NA NA
Planck 68.4 0.301 0.699 8.985075e-05 0.793
Planck18 68.4 0.301 0.699 8.985075e-05 0.793
Planck15 67.8 0.308 0.692 9.150327e-05 0.815
Planck13 67.3 0.315 0.685 9.289295e-05 0.829
WMAP 69.7 0.288 0.712 8.780488e-05 0.817
WMAP9 69.7 0.288 0.712 8.780488e-05 0.817
WMAP7 70.4 0.275 0.725 8.569648e-05 0.816
WMAP5 70.5 0.274 0.726 8.45679e-05 0.812
WMAP3 70.4 0.268 0.732 NA 0.776
WMAP1 72.0 0.290 0.710 NA 0.900
Millennium 73.0 0.250 0.750 NA 0.900
GiggleZ 70.5 0.273 0.727 NA 0.812


Aaron Robotham


Name Full Reference arXiv Refence
737 Simplified concordance cosomology NA
137 Simplified concordance cosomology NA
Planck 18 Planck Collaboration, 2018, arXiv, 1807.06209 arxiv:1807.06209
Planck 15 Planck Collaboration, 2015, arXiv, 1502.01589 arxiv:1502.01589
Planck 13 Planck Collaboration, 2014, A&A, 571, 16 arXiv:1303.5076v3
WMAP9 Hinshaw G., et al., 2013, ApJS, 208, 19 arXiv:1212.5226v3
WMAP7 Komatsu E., et al., 2010, ApJS, 192, 18 arXiv:1001.4538v3
WMAP5 Komatsu E., et al., 2009, ApJS, 180, 306 arXiv:0803.0547v2
WMAP3 Spergel D. N., et al., 2007, ApJS, 170, 377 arXiv:astro-ph/0603449v2
WMAP1 Spergel D. N., et al., 2003, ApJS, 148, 175 arXiv:astro-ph/0302209v3
Millennium Springel V., et al., 2005, Nature, 435, 629 arXiv:astro-ph/0504097v2
GiggleZ Poole G. B., et al., 2015, MNRAS, 449, 1454 arXiv:1407.0390v1

See Also

cosvol, cosmap, cosdist, cosgrow



Example output

Loading required package: RANN
Loading required package: NISTunits
Loading required package: pracma
     Ref   H0 OmegaM OmegaL       OmegaR Sigma8
3 Planck 68.4  0.301  0.699 8.985075e-05  0.793

celestial documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:05 p.m.