hds: NASA Hypobaric Decompression Sickness Marker Data

hdsR Documentation

NASA Hypobaric Decompression Sickness Marker Data


This data contains the marker values with the left and right limits of the observed time for the subjects in NASA Hypobaric Decompression Sickness Data.




This is a data frame with 238 observations and 3 variables: L (left limit of the observed time), R (right limit of the observed time) and M (marker). The marker is a score derived by combining the covariates Age, Sex, TR360, and Noadyn.


Beyene, K. M. and El Ghouch A. (2022). Time-dependent ROC curve estimation for interval-censored data. Biometrical Journal, 64, 1056– 1074.

cenROC documentation built on March 31, 2023, 5:19 p.m.

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