
#' Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System
#' The cffdrs package allows R users to calculate the outputs of the two main
#' components of the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS;
#' \url{https://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/background/summary/fdr}): the Fire Weather
#' Index (FWI) System
#' (\url{https://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/background/summary/fwi}) and the Fire
#' Behaviour Prediction (FBP) System
#' (\url{https://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/background/summary/fbp}) along with
#' additional methods created and used Canadian fire modelling. These systems
#' are widely used internationally to assess fire danger (FWI System) and
#' quantify fire behavior (FBP System).
#' The FWI System (Van Wagner 1987) is based on the moisture content and the
#' effect of wind of three classes of forest fuels on fire behavior. It
#' consists of six components: three fuel moisture codes (Fire Fuel Moisture
#' Code, Duff Moisture Code, Drought Code), and three fire behavior indexes
#' representing rate of spread (Initial Spread Index), fuel consumption
#' (Buildup Index), and fire intensity (Fire Weather Index). The FWI System
#' outputs are determined from daily noon weather observations: temperature,
#' relative humidity, wind speed, and 24-hour rainfall.
#' The FBP System (Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group 1992; Hirsch 1996)
#' provides a set of primary and secondary measures of fire behavior. The
#' primary outputs consist of estimates of fire spread rate, fuel consumption,
#' fire intensity, and fire description (i.e., surface, intermittent, or crown
#' fire). The secondary outputs, which are not used nearly as often, give
#' estimates of fire area, perimeter, perimeter growth rate, and flank and back
#' fire behavior based on a simple elliptical fire growth model. Unlike the FWI
#' System, which is weather based, the FBP System also requires information on
#' vegetation (hereafter, fuel types) and slope (if any) to calculate its
#' outputs. Sixteen fuel types are included in the FBP System, covering mainly
#' major vegetation types in Canada.
#' \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab cffdrs\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab
#' 1.8.16\cr Date: \tab 2020-05-26\cr License: \tab GPL-2\cr } This package
#' includes eleven functions. Seven functions, \code{\link{fwi}},
#' \code{\link{fwiRaster}}, \code{\link{hffmc}}, \code{\link{hffmcRaster}},
#' \code{\link{sdmc}}, \code{\link{gfmc}}, and
#' \code{\link{overwinter_drought_code}} are used for
#' FWI System calculation, whereas two functions, \code{\link{fbp}} and
#' \code{\link{fbpRaster}} are used for FBP System calculation. One function,
#' \code{\link{fire_season}} determines fire season start and end dates based on
#' weather. Two functions \code{\link{pros}} and \code{\link{lros}} are rate of
#' spread and direction calculations across triangles. These functions are not
#' fully independent: their inputs overlap greatly and the users will have to
#' provide FWI System outputs to calculate FBP System outputs. The fwi,
#' fwiRaster, and sdmc functions calculate the outputs
#' based on daily noon local standard time (LST) weather observations of
#' temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and 24-hour rainfall, as well as
#' the previous day's moisture content. The hffmc, gfmc, and hffmcRaster
#' functions calculate the outputs based on hourly weather observations of
#' temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and hourly rainfall, as well as
#' the previous hour's weather conditions. The fbp and fbpRaster functions
#' calculate the outputs of the FBP System based on given set of information
#' about fire weather conditions (weather observations and their associated FWI
#' System components), fuel type, and slope (optional).
#' @name cffdrs-package
#' @aliases cffdrs-package cffdrs
#' @docType package
#' @author Xianli Wang, Alan Cantin, Marc-André Parisien, Mike Wotton, Kerry
#' Anderson, Brett Moore, Tom Schiks, and Mike Flannigan
#' Maintainer: Alan Cantin \email{Alan.Cantin@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca}
#' @seealso \code{\link{fbp}}, \code{\link{fire_season}}, \code{\link{fwi}},
#' \code{\link{fwiRaster}}, \code{\link{gfmc}}, \code{\link{hffmc}},
#' \code{\link{hffmcRaster}}, \code{\link{lros}}, \code{\link{pros}},
#' \code{\link{sdmc}},
#' \code{\link{overwinter_drought_code}}
#' @references 1. Van Wagner, C.E. and T.L. Pickett. 1985. Equations and
#' FORTRAN program for the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Can. For.
#' Serv., Ottawa, Ont. For. Tech. Rep. 33. 18 p.
#' 2. Van Wagner, C.E. 1987. Development and structure of the Canadian forest
#' fire weather index system. Forest Technology Report 35. (Canadian Forestry
#' Service: Ottawa).
#' 3. Lawson, B.D. and O.B. Armitage. 2008. Weather guide for the Canadian
#' Forest Fire Danger Rating System. Nat. Resour. Can., Can. For. Serv., North.
#' For. Cent., Edmonton, AB.
#' 4. Hirsch K.G. 1996. Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System:
#' user's guide. Nat. Resour. Can., Can. For. Serv., Northwest Reg., North.
#' For. Cent., Edmonton, Alberta. Spec. Rep. 7. 122p.
#' 5. Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group. 1992. Development and structure of the
#' Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction System. Forestry Canada, Ottawa,
#' Ontario Information Report ST-X-3. 63 p.
#' \url{https://cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/pubwarehouse/pdfs/10068.pdf}
#' 6. Wotton, B.M., Alexander, M.E., Taylor, S.W. 2009. Updates and revisions
#' to the 1992 Canadian forest fire behavior prediction system. Nat. Resour.
#' Can., Can. For. Serv., Great Lakes For. Cent., Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario,
#' Canada. Information Report GLC-X-10, 45p.
#' \url{
#' https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2010/nrcan/
#' Fo123-2-10-2009-eng.pdf}
#' 7. Tymstra, C., Bryce, R.W., Wotton, B.M., Armitage, O.B. 2009. Development
#' and structure of Prometheus: the Canadian wildland fire growth simulation
#' Model. Nat. Resour. Can., Can. For. Serv., North. For. Cent., Edmonton, AB.
#' Inf. Rep. NOR-X-417.
#' @keywords package
#' @examples
#' # Calculating daily FWI with wintering DC
#' #
#' # This exercise demonstrates how to calculate daily FWI System variables
#' # given a chronical two years daily fire weather observations from one
#' # weather station.
#' # In the example, we showed first how to decide fire season start and end
#' # dates with fire_season, we then made overwintering DC adjustment with
#' # overwinter_drought_code for the second fire season, and eventually
#' # calculated the daily FWI System variables over two fire seasons with fwi.
#' # All these steps were packed up into an example user's function, which could
#' # be modified by various user groups. Note: the data used in this example is
#' # also the test data for overwinter_drought_code.
#' #
#' # library(cffdrs)
#' # Example of a customised function to calculate fwi and
#' # overwinter DC. This could be further modified by
#' # users with various needs.
#' fwi_fs_wDC <- function(input) {
#'   all.fwi <- NULL
#'   curYr.fwi <- NULL
#'   # Create date variable
#'   input$date <- as.Date(as.POSIXlt(
#'     paste(input$yr, "-", input$mon, "-", input$day, sep = "")
#'   ))
#'   # use default fire season start and end temperature thresholds
#'   fs <- fire_season(input)
#'   # Fire season dates, ordered chronologically
#'   fs <- with(fs, fs[order(yr, mon, day), ])
#'   # Create same Date format as weather dataset for comparison
#'   fs$date <- as.Date(as.POSIXlt(paste(
#'     fs$yr, "-", fs$mon, "-", fs$day,
#'     sep = ""
#'   )))
#'   theyears <- unique(fs$yr)
#'   for (curYr.row in 1:length(theyears)) {
#'     curYr <- theyears[curYr.row]
#'     curYr.d <- fs[fs$yr == curYr, ]
#'     # set an initial startup values
#'     curYr.init <- data.frame(ffmc = 80, dmc = 10, dc = 16)
#'     # if there is more than one year of data, accumulate precipitation,
#'     # then calculate overwinterDC and continue
#'     if (curYr.row > 1) {
#'       # calculate the overwinter period
#'       # end of last year's fire season
#'       curYr.owd <- curYr.fsd[nrow(curYr.fsd), ]
#'       # rbind with beginning of current year's fire season
#'       curYr.owd <- rbind(curYr.owd, curYr.d[1, ])
#'       # accumulate precipitation for the period between end of last
#'       # and start of current
#'       curYr.owdata <- sum(input[(input$date > curYr.owd[1, "date"] &
#'         input$date < curYr.owd[2, "date"]), ]$prec)
#'       # calculate overwinter DC value
#'       owDC <- overwinter_drought_code(
#'         DCf = tail(curYr.fwi$DC, n = 1), rw = curYr.owdata
#'       )
#'       # Initialize moisture codes
#'       curYr.init <- data.frame(ffmc = 80, dmc = 10, dc = owDC)
#'     }
#'     # get first and last dates of this year
#'     curYr.fsd <- curYr.d[c(1, nrow(curYr.d)), ]
#'     # match input data to those dates for fire season data
#'     curYr.fsdata <- input[
#'       input$yr == curYr &
#'         input$date >= curYr.fsd[1, "date"] &
#'         input$date <= curYr.fsd[2, "date"],
#'     ]
#'     # run fwi on fire_season data
#'     curYr.fwi <- fwi(curYr.fsdata, init = curYr.init)
#'     # force column names to be uppercase for consistency
#'     names(curYr.fwi) <- toupper(names(curYr.fwi))
#'     all.fwi <- rbind(all.fwi, curYr.fwi)
#'   }
#'   all.fwi
#' }
#' ## Usage of the custom function
#' # Load the test dataset, which is also the test data for
#' # overwinter_drought_code:
#' data("test_wDC")
#' # select 1 weather station
#' localWX_1 <- test_wDC[test_wDC$id == 1, ]
#' # run function with the data and fire season values
#' fwi_withFSwDC <- fwi_fs_wDC(localWX_1)
#' # Check the resulting fwi indices, calculated with a fire season start and
#' # end date, and using overwintered DC
#' fwi_withFSwDC

#' Fire Behaviour Prediction Sample Data Set
#' This data set is a set of input data for each of the test cases in the
#' publication supplied below.
#' @name test_fbp
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 24 columns, 21 rows, including 1 header line
#' @references 1. Wotton, B.M., Alexander, M.E., Taylor, S.W. 2009. Updates and
#' revisions to the 1992 Canadian forest fire behavior prediction system. Nat.
#' Resour. Can., Can. For. Serv., Great Lakes For. Cent., Sault Ste. Marie,
#' Ontario, Canada. Information Report GLC-X-10, 45p.
#' @source \url{https://cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/pubwarehouse/pdfs/31414.pdf}
#' @keywords datasets

#' Raster Data for fbpRaster function
#' Test raster file to calculate fbp data.
#' @name test_fbpRaster
#' @docType data
#' @format A raster (tif) file.
#' @keywords datasets

#' Fire Weather Index Sample Input Data Set
#' This data set is the sample input data that was used in original FWI program
#' calibration.
#' @name test_fwi
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 9 columns and 49 rows, with 1 header line
#' @references 1. Van Wagner, CE. and T.L. Pickett. 1985. Equations and FORTRAN
#' program for the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Can. For. Serv.,
#' Ottawa, Ont. For. Tech. Rep. 33. 18 p.
#' @source \url{https://cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/pubwarehouse/pdfs/19973.pdf}
#' @keywords datasets

#' Grass Fuel Moisture Code Sample Input Data Set
#' This data set is the sample input data that was used in original FWI program
#' calibration.
#' @name test_gfmc
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 9 columns and 199 rows, with 1 header line
#' @keywords datasets

#' Hourly Fine Fuel Moisture Code Sample Input Data Set
#' Sample dataset for use with the \code{hffmc} function.
#' @name test_hffmc
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 8 columns and 481 rows, including 1 header
#' line
#' @keywords datasets

#' Line-based Simard function Sample Data Set
#' This is a set of input data to test the lros function.
#' @name test_lros
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 8 columns, 4 rows, including 1 header line.
#' @references 1. Simard, A.J., Eenigenburg, J.E., Adams, K.B., Nissen, R.L.,
#' Deacon, and Deacon, A.G. 1984. A general procedure for sampling and
#' analyzing wildland fire spread.
#' 2. Byram, G.M. 1959. Combustion of forest fuels. In: Davis, K.P. Forest Fire
#' Control and Use. McGraw-Hill, New York.
#' 3. Curry, J.R., and Fons, W.L. 1938. Rate of spread of surface fires in the
#' Ponderosa Pine Type of California. Journal of Agricultural Research 57(4):
#' 239-267.
#' 4. Simard, A.J., Deacon, A.G., and Adams, K.B. 1982. Nondirectional sampling
#' wildland fire spread. Fire Technology: 221-228.
#' @source no source
#' @keywords datasets simard lros

#' Point-based Simard function Sample Data Set
#' This is a set of input data to test the pros function.
#' @name test_pros
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 9 columns, 4 rows, including 1 header line.
#' @references 1. Simard, A.J., Eenigenburg, J.E., Adams, K.B., Nissen, R.L.,
#' Deacon, and Deacon, A.G. 1984. A general procedure for sampling and
#' analyzing wildland fire spread.
#' 2. Byram, G.M. 1959. Combustion of forest fuels. In: Davis, K.P. Forest Fire
#' Control and Use. McGraw-Hill, New York.
#' 3. Curry, J.R., and Fons, W.L. 1938. Rate of spread of surface fires in the
#' Ponderosa Pine Type of California. Journal of Agricultural Research 57(4):
#' 239-267.
#' 4. Simard, A.J., Deacon, A.G., and Adams, K.B. 1982. Nondirectional sampling
#' wildland fire spread. Fire Technology: 221-228.
#' @source no source
#' @keywords datasets simard lros

#' Raster Data for fwiRaster function
#' Daily fire weather inputs obtained from the Global Environmental Multiscale
#' Model (GEM) in northern Alberta
#' @name test_rast_day01
#' @docType data
#' @format A raster (tif) file.
#' @keywords datasets

#' Raster Data for fwiRaster function
#' Daily fire weather inputs obtained from the Global Environmental Multiscale
#' Model (GEM) in northern Alberta
#' @name test_rast_day02
#' @docType data
#' @format A raster (tif) file.
#' @keywords datasets

#' Raster Data for ffmcRaster function
#' Hourly fire weather inputs obtained from the Global Environmental Multiscale
#' Model (GEM) in northern Alberta
#' @name test_rast_hour01
#' @docType data
#' @format A raster (tif) file.
#' @keywords datasets

#' Raster Data for ffmcRaster function
#' Hourly fire weather inputs obtained from the Global Environmental Multiscale
#' Model (GEM) in northern Alberta
#' @name test_rast_hour02
#' @docType data
#' @format A raster (tif) file.
#' @keywords datasets

#' Sheltered Duff Moisture Code Sample Input Data Set
#' This data set is the sample input data that was used in original FWI program
#' calibration, but with an initial dmc value populated.
#' @name test_sdmc
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 10 columns and 49 rows, including 1 header
#' line
#' @references 1. Van Wagner, CE. and T.L. Pickett. 1985. Equations and FORTRAN
#' program for the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Can. For. Serv.,
#' Ottawa, Ont. For. Tech. Rep. 33. 18 p.
#' @source \url{https://cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/pubwarehouse/pdfs/19973.pdf}
#' @keywords datasets

#' Overwinter Drought Code Sample Input Data Set
#' This dataset has 2 ID values (weather stations), and each have 2 sequential
#' years. This data can be used as an example to calculated overwintered DC.
#' There are 10 columns and 1463 rows, including 1 header row.
#' @name test_wDC
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 10 columns and 1463 rows, including 1 header
#' line
#' @keywords datasets

#' Fire Season Dataset to test Overwinter Drought Code
#' This dataset has pre-set start and end dates to the fire season for 2
#' weather stations. The point of this dataset is to demonstrate that a data
#' frame of start and end dates for the fire season can be calculated and
#' applied to the program.
#' @name test_wDC_fs
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame containing 7 columns and 9 rows, including 1 header
#' line
#' @keywords datasets

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