Man pages for cgam
Constrained Generalized Additive Model

best.fitExtract the Best Fit Returned by the ShapeSelect Routine
cgamConstrained Generalized Additive Model Fitting
cgammConstrained Generalized Additive Mixed-Effects Model Fitting
COforestColorado Forest Data Set
concSpecify a Concave Shape-Restriction in a CGAM Formula
convSpecify a Convex Shape-Restriction in a CGAM Formula
cubicA Data Set for Cgam
decrSpecify a Decreasing Shape-Restriction in a CGAM Formula
decr.concSpecify a Decreasing and Concave Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
decr.convSpecify a Decreasing and Convex Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
incrSpecify an Increasing Shape-Restriction in a CGAM Formula
incr.concSpecify an Increasing and Concave Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
incr.convSpecify an Increasing and Convex Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
in.or.outTo Include a Non-Parametrically Modelled Predictor in a...
mentalAlachua County Study of Mental Impairment
OrdSpecify an Ordered Categorical Family in a CGAM Formula
plasmaA Data Set for Cgam
plotperspCreate a 3D Plot for a CGAM Object
predict.cgamPredict Method for CGAM Fits
sSpecify a Smooth Shape-Restriction in a CGAM Formula
s.concSpecify a Smooth and Concave Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
s.conc.concSpecify a Doubly-Concave Shape-Restriction in a CGAM Formula
s.convSpecify a Smooth and Convex Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
s.conv.convSpecify a Doubly-convex Shape-Restriction in a CGAM Formula
s.decrSpecify a Smooth and Decreasing Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
s.decr.concSpecify a Smooth, Decreasing and Concave Shape-Restriction in...
s.decr.convSpecify a Smooth, Decreasing and Convex Shape-Restriction in...
s.decr.decrSpecify a Doubly-Decreasing Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
s.decr.incrSpecify a Decreasing-Increasing Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
shapesTo Include a Non-Parametrically Modelled Predictor in a...
ShapeSelectVariable and Shape Selection via Genetic Algorithm
s.incrSpecify a Smooth and Increasing Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
s.incr.concSpecify a Smooth, Increasing and Concave Shape-Restriction in...
s.incr.convSpecify an Smooth, Increasing and Convex Shape-Restriction in...
s.incr.decrSpecify an Increasing-Decreasing Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
s.incr.incrSpecify a Doubly-Increasing Shape-Restriction in a CGAM...
treeSpecify a Tree-Ordering in a CGAM Formula
umbrellaSpecify an Umbrella-Ordering in a CGAM Formula
cgam documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 5:11 p.m.