
context("Tests internal functions")

# is.error()

test_that("is.error() identifies a try-error object as true, and nothing else", {
  expect_true(is.error(try(log("a"), silent = TRUE)))

# raise_yield_error()

test_that("raise_yield_error(a,b,c) correctly outputs an error", {

# abort_not_chantrics()

test_that("abort_not_chantrics(x) aborts if x is not a chantrics object", {
  expect_error(abort_not_chantrics("foo"), class = "chantrics_not_chantrics_object")
  expect_error(abort_not_chantrics(fm_pois_adj), regexp = NA)

# get_variable_str_from_chantrics()

test_that("get_variable_str_from_chantrics aborts if x is not a chantrics object", {
  expect_error(get_variable_str_from_chantrics("foo"), class = "chantrics_not_chantrics_object")

test_that("get_variable_str_from_chantrics returns a character string with the variable names", {
  expect_equal(get_variable_str_from_chantrics(fm_pois_adj), "(Intercept), x, I(x^2)")

# get_formula_str_from_chantrics

test_that("get_formula_str_from_chantrics aborts if x is not a chantrics object", {
  expect_error(get_formula_str_from_chantrics("foo"), class = "chantrics_not_chantrics_object")

test_that("get_formula_str_from_chantrics returns a character string with the formula", {
  expect_equal(get_formula_str_from_chantrics(fm_pois_adj), "y ~ x + I(x^2)")

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chantrics documentation built on Sept. 29, 2021, 9:08 a.m.