#' Wrapper for the checkarg function, using specific parameter settings.
#' This function can be used in 3 ways:\enumerate{
#' \item Return TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the argument checks are
#' passed. This is suitable e.g. for if statements that take further action
#' if the argument does not pass the checks.\cr
#' \item Throw an exception if the argument does not pass the checks. This is
#' suitable e.g. when no further action needs to be taken other than
#' throwing an exception if the argument does not pass the checks.\cr
#' \item Same as (2) but by supplying a default value, a default can be assigned
#' in a single statement, when the argument is NULL. The checks are still
#' performed on the returned value, and an exception is thrown when not
#' passed.\cr
#' }
#' Actual call to checkarg: checkarg(argument, "B", default = default, stopIfNot = stopIfNot, nullAllowed = TRUE, n = NA, naAllowed = TRUE, message = message, argumentName = argumentName)
#' @param argument See checkarg function.
#' @param default See checkarg function.
#' @param stopIfNot See checkarg function.
#' @param n See checkarg function.
#' @param message See checkarg function.
#' @param argumentName See checkarg function.
#' @examples
#' isBooleanOrNaVectorOrNull(FALSE)
#' # returns TRUE (argument is valid)
#' isBooleanOrNaVectorOrNull("X")
#' # returns FALSE (argument is invalid)
#' #isBooleanOrNaVectorOrNull("X", stopIfNot = TRUE)
#' # throws exception with message defined by message and argumentName parameters
#' isBooleanOrNaVectorOrNull(FALSE, default = TRUE)
#' # returns FALSE (the argument, rather than the default, since it is not NULL)
#' #isBooleanOrNaVectorOrNull("X", default = TRUE)
#' # throws exception with message defined by message and argumentName parameters
#' isBooleanOrNaVectorOrNull(NULL, default = TRUE)
#' # returns TRUE (the default, rather than the argument, since it is NULL)
#' @return See checkarg function.
#' @export isBooleanOrNaVectorOrNull
isBooleanOrNaVectorOrNull <- function(argument, default = NULL, stopIfNot = FALSE, n = NA, message = NULL, argumentName = NULL) {
checkarg(argument, "B", default = default, stopIfNot = stopIfNot, nullAllowed = TRUE, n = NA, naAllowed = TRUE, message = message, argumentName = argumentName)
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