Man pages for chkptstanr
Checkpoint MCMC Sampling with 'Stan'

chkpt_brmsCheckpoint Sampling: brms
chkpt_setupCheckpoint Setup
chkpt_stanCheckpoint Sampling: Stan
chkptstanr-packagechkptstanr: Checkpoint MCMC Sampling with 'Stan'
combine_chkpt_drawsCombine Checkpoint Draws
create_folderCreate Folder for Checkpointing
extract_chkpt_drawsExtract Draws from 'CmdStanMCMC' Objects
extract_hmc_infoExtract HMC Sampler Information
extract_stan_stateExtract Stan State
make_brmsfitMake 'brmsfit' Object
print.chkpt_brmsPrint 'chkpt_brms' Objects
print.chkpt_setupPrint 'chkpt_setup' Object
print.chkpt_stanPrint 'chkpt_stan' Objects
chkptstanr documentation built on April 29, 2022, 5:06 p.m.