combine_xifti: Combine '"xifti"'s with non-overlapping brain structures

View source: R/combine_xifti.R

combine_xiftiR Documentation

Combine "xifti"s with non-overlapping brain structures


Combine two to three "xifti"s with non-overlapping brain structures into a single "xifti". The names, intent, and surfaces of the first will be used, if present. To add more surfaces to the result, use add_surf.


combine_xifti(..., xii_list = NULL, meta = c("first", "all"))



The "xifti" objects


Alternatively, a list of "xifti" objects. If specified, will ignore ...


"first" (default) to just use the metadata from the first argument, or "all" to include the other metadata in a list.


A "xifti" with data from the inputs

See Also

Other manipulating xifti: add_surf(), apply_parc(), apply_xifti(), convert_to_dlabel(), merge_xifti(), move_to_mwall(), newdata_xifti(), remap_cifti(), remove_xifti(), resample_cifti(), resample_cifti_from_template(), scale_xifti(), select_xifti(), set_names_xifti(), smooth_cifti(), transform_xifti()

ciftiTools documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.