even_vert_samp: Evenly sample vertices of mesh

View source: R/even_vert_samp.R

even_vert_sampR Documentation

Evenly sample vertices of mesh


Get a subset of the mesh vertices that are spatially evenly-sampled, by resampling the mesh and choosing the original vertices closest (Euclidian distance) to the new vertices.


even_vert_samp(surf, n_vert)



A "surf" object


The desired number of vertices in the evenly-spaced sample. Note that the actual size of the subset will likely be close to but not exactly n_vert because it depends on the size of the resampled surface.


An integer vector giving the indices of the vertices in the subset.

See Also

Other surface-related: add_surf(), boundary_mask_surf(), edit_mask_surf(), is.surf(), load_surf(), mask_surf(), read_surf(), resample_surf(), rotate_surf(), surf_area(), view_surf(), write_surf_gifti()

ciftiTools documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.